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The closet was small and damp, memories of the place Richard Snell had locked us away in came back to light in the darkness. I pulled my knees to my chest, burying my head in my arms.

He had strapped me to a chair, jabbed needles in my arms, and taken my blood from me. This monster had tried to kill Wesley, and ruined Tristan. Everything...everyone was different. Things could never go back to the way they were before. Not now. My past had been stolen from me, and now even my future was on the line.

I lifted my hands and wiggled my fingers. They felt normal, well not normal. They felt like they had before. But that told me nothing. I flinched as something jabbed my thigh, reaching in my pocket, I pulled out the pen Tristan had thrown at me. I twiddled it in my fingers, pressing my index into the point of the pen until it ached.

I needed to know. Curiosity took over like an itch. I gripped the pen like a weapon, positioning over my arm. Clenching my teeth and closing my eyes, I stabbed it into my upper arm and quickly yanked it out. The pain was warm and achy, lasting much longer than I was used to.

I watched the thick blood pooling from the wound. In a few minute the blood flow stopped. I wiped my arm on my shirt, running my fingers over the healed skin. A sigh of relief escaped me. Yes, it was a slower healing, much slower than what it had been before. But it was healing. It was an ability. It was anything but normal.

Suddenly, the closet door swung open, I gasped, the pen falling from my hand. But bending over Tristan caught it mid air. He straightened his back, his eyes meeting mine. He examined the bloody tip of the pen, then the crimson staining my shirt. He shook his head in disapproval. "I would have thought you'd seen enough blood for a while."

I studied his eyes, looking for any sign of the old Tristan. "What happened to you?" I asked bluntly.

He seemed taken aback at the question. Then he just smiled coldly. "So they didn't tell you." He shook his head. "Of course they didn't."

"What didn't they tell me? Where's Ophelia?" I asked hoarsely, afraid to hear the answer.

He laughed, but it was sharp and cold. "She's dead!" His face broke. "Her own brother killed her."

I felt my heart drop in my chest, my throat closing up. Ophelia... dead. I couldn't even imagine it, yet it was true. But how? How could someone so lively not be alive anymore? And... I can't even say his name... yes he turned us in- but - he wouldn't. He wasn't evil.

I felt hot tears streaming down my cheeks. Words were impossible. What could I even say?

I wrapped my arms around his neck, letting myself cry. His shoulders shook as he sobbed into my shoulder. I ran my fingers through his hair as he squeezed me tighter.

Now I was all he had.


My room seemed quieter than usual. I mean it had never felt like anything more than a hospital room but tonight it seemed even more lonesome. I hadn't seen Margo since she ran out on Mrs. Doe.

I was worried.

Knock. Knock.

"Yeah, come in." I felt my chest lift as she peeked her head in. Despite wanting to cry at the sight of her, I smiled. I couldn't help but smile. She slid through the door, shutting it quietly.

She bit her lip, nervously. "Can I sit with you?"

I nodded, scooting over on the twin bed. I sighed as her shoulder pressed against mine, every nerve of my body screaming for her touch. Her hair brushed my arm sending shivers down my spine.

She tilted her head to look at me and without thinking I pushed her hair behind her ear. She smiled at me before laying her head on my shoulder. I grabbed her hand tightly.

Before long, she was snoring softly, peacefully.

She was my hope.

Yes, we had all been through hell and back; yes, Snell was still out there. But we were still here. My sister was still here. My love, she was still here. Margo was a light, glowing in the darkness, an umbrella of happiness in a thunderstorm.

Snell had gotten away... but he hadn't won. We had stopped him. Now there were people searching for him. They would find him.

But for now, I just want to be a ordinary guy for a while-

an ordinary guy in love with an extraordinary girl.

Hey guys! I know you weren't expecting an update but I'm giving you one! Merry early Christmas! Yes this is the last chapter of the book but the adventure isn't over. I have a lot of edits to make as well as going back and writing more for characters like Dillon, Tristan, Ophelia, and Shane. So get ready for that. Not to mention I have a lot of big projects coming up like new books. I do plan on trying to get this book published so tell me what else you think I need to add. Thanks for the support. Share this book and vote and COMMENT. I love you guys! XOXO ~N.K 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2017 ⏰

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