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She was behind another door.
Her head was slumped over as if she were asleep, matted brown hair shielding her face. Her small frame was tied to a chair, tubes connecting her to a bag of blood.

I held back a cry. We were too late. I stood frozen in place as Avanali rushed to her, yanking the needles from her wrists, her blood dripped to the floor. The rack holding the scarlett bag tilted violently, the room smelled of iron. I heard a clink as Tristan undid the leather buckle and dropped it to the floor.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."
My teeth dug into my tongue as the monster emerged from the darkness like a snake rising from a basket. "Shut the hell up you bastard." Tristan clenched his fist threatening. I gritted my teeth, careful of my words. I had to be careful. My actions could result in harm coming to Tristan, Avanali, or Margo. Avanali hastily broke the leather wrapped around Margo's legs. I watched in horror as she slumped to the floor, Avanali barely having time to stop her head from hitting the concrete floor.

"Why not? You got what you wanted. Just leave us all alone." Avanali growled. I walked to Margo numbly, it was as if I had hypothermia, I couldn't feel anything. Her hair was dark against her sickly pale face. She had never looked so...so lifeless. But she had to be alive. She could heal. Margo was incredibly strong. I swallowed, was her chest even moving? Of course, it was. I tried to convince myself that under that ratty t shirt there was a heartbeat.

Snell's laugh was an echo in the background.
"But I can't just let you leave. You're all dangerous." I snapped my head around, watching him as he snatched the blood bag from the rack. "You are all so worthless. Who needs to waste time looking for all of you when I could be the greatest weapon of all time." I gasp, a wave of nausea coming over me as he stabbed the needle of the tube into his own arm, squeezing the blood bag, forcing Margo's blood to fill his veins.

"Stop!" I lunged at him. That was Margo's blood! She needed it! I grabbed his other arm, trying to stop him and protect the blood bag at the same time. My nails dug into his arm and he jerked, flinging me to the floor. His strength and force inhuman...so similar to mine.

I hit the floor with a thud.

"You're sick! What the hell is the matter with
you!" Tristan was thrown to the floor beside me, he recovered quickly, back on his feet, lunging at Snell again. I followed him, trying to snatch the blood bag from this creep's arm. Snell teetered violently as Avanali joined us.


I cried out in anguish as the blood bag busted on the floor, a river of crimson filling the cracks of the concrete.

I froze.

The door opened and closed.

When I looked up...Snell was gone.

We let him get away and lost Margo's only hope for survival. I fell to my knees and shouted curses to the ceiling.

Here's another chapter!! I'm so excited to finally post! I've been really busy with other chapters so unfortunately I haven't had time to post for this book. Be sure to check out some of those projects such as Issues and a new horror story coming soon. Thanks for reading and be sure to share. XOXO ~N.K

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