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Who the hell is Richard Snell?

I wrapped my arm around Margo's waist, pulling her closer to me. He watches me, his stare dark and cold.

"Don't pretend she belongs to you," he hissed at me. His words sent shivers down my spine. He addresses all of us. "You are all mine! My experiments!" His shouts are maniacal. The insanity reaches his twitching eye. "You belong to me!" He's right. In this moment, our lives are in his hands. He will kill us.

His attention returns to Margo. "But you..." He draws nearer and I take a step back, pulling her with me, she shakes in my arms, I tighten my grasp. My eyes burn as I growl at him.

"You are special, my special experiment." He grins, thin cracked lips stretching across yellowed teeth. You would think the most infamous man in the science community could afford monthly dental trips. I fought the urge to punch him, break his already crooked nose. I gritted my teeth, there was no way I would let him hurt her. No possible way. He would have to kill me first.

He looks at me, humor in his eyes. "Back away boy." I hear the gunmen shift, their fingers tightening on their weapons, ready to shoot. I shook my head in defiance. "Get the hell away from us!" I flinch waiting for the trigger to be pulled, waiting for a bullet to tear through my skull, but nothing happens. He simply cackles.

"Don't make me laugh." He heaves, choking on his chortles. "Back away."

Margo's eyes meet mine, they flicker between hazel and yellow, both hard and determined. "I'm not going to let him hurt you," I tell her, my teeth still clenched. She gives me a small, sad smile.

"Let go Wesley. He won't kill me but he'll kill you. I just finished saving you remember?" My eyes water. I couldn't lose her, not again.

"She's right, you know." Snell says. I loosen my grip, though every bit of my being tells me not to. I take a few steps back, my fists trembling. Everything inside me tightens. Avanali grabs my hand, she's worried I'll do something stupid. She thinks I'll put myself in danger. Margo can take care of herself. I know she can. She's done it on countless occasions. She's even taken care of me. She's saved my life three times now. I watch Margo, she stands before him bravely, her stance unwavering.

I won't let anything happen to her. I owe her that.



I meet his eyes. So this is Richard Snell. The man who began all of this. He would not leave this room alive. He took everything from me. My life, my mother.

He steps closer to me, his breath hot on my face, putrid. It smells like rotting meat. He puts his fingers under my chin, his fingernails caked with dirt. Growling, I tense, jerking away from him. He laughs at me as if I was a small child throwing a temper tantrum. It makes me hate him even more.

"Do as I say or I'll punish you." He whispers, his forehead creases.

"What else can you take from me?" I snap. "You created the disease that ruined my life!" Blood rushes through my veins to my head. Everything feels hot as if I'm standing in an oven. My heart pounds in my ears, my pulse quickening. I can feel the anger coursing through me. Never had I felt so angry. I tightened my fists.

His ever present smirk falters, replaced by an eerie scowl. He grabs my arm, his nails digging into my skin, drawing blood. "How dare you, you ungrateful bitch! I made you stronger! I gave you powers! You should be thanking me!" he spat.

"Keep your hands off her!" Tristan hisses, taking a threatening step forward.

Richard Snell lets go of me, turning his attention to Tristan. "You'll pay for that one, you little bastard." Before I can move, a gunshot rings and Tristan falls to the ground. I cry out.

Everything inside me becomes numb with terror. I couldn't fight this man. He would kill them. He would kill them all without batting an eye, just as he had killed thousands of those he had infected. I was the one he wanted; I was different. I was a Gamma, yet in that moment, I was an Alpha. Unless I obeyed him, he would shoot every single one of my friends in front of me. He would make me watch. They were nothing to him, equivalent to that of a cockroach one might squash on the street.

I clenched my fists, my nails cutting into my palms. I would do whatever he asked of me.

No one else would die.

YAY!!! WE ARE IN 40 SOMETHING PLACE THIS IS AWESOME! I have no doubts we can make it to first! You guys probably thought Richard Snell was just some random name I threw in earlier in the book who wouldn't ever appear again but you were wrong! HAHA! Vote and share guys! I love you soooo freaking much for helping me to continue this adventure! <3 XOXO ~N.K 

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