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          My ears were ringing. My eyes felt swollen shut, throbbing as I struggled to open them. The world around me was blurry and gray, my head filled with cotton balls as a nervousness churned me my stomach.

     Where am I? I licked my dry, cracked lips and swallowed. I was in a white bed, wearing a hospital gown. I tried to move my numb arm, it stung as the IV tugged at my arm. I hastily removed it. What had happened? Why did I need an IV? Had there been an accident?
"Mom?" My tongue was like sandpaper, the word cracking as it came out. I swallowed, swinging my legs over the side of the bed. I stared at my feet. They seemed almost purple.  I stepped onto the ice cold floor and made my way to the white door. I slowly twisted the doorknob. It was locked.

          I slammed my fist into the door in frustration. "Hey! Let me out of here!" I shouted hoarsely.

           Suddenly the door swung open. I barely caught a glimpse of the dark haired boy's face before his arms wrapped around me.
"Thank god, Margo... they said you might not wake up. But I knew you would. I knew it."
I pushed him away. Who was this? "Where's my mom?" I said harshly, backing away from him.
He shook his head, his eyes filled with confusion. "Margo... your mom... I mean you.."
"What are you talking about? Where is she?" My head pounded.

       "Listen," he grabbed my hand causing me to flinch. "Avanali and Tristan will be back soon and we can talk about that then."

        I snatched away. "Get away from me. I just want my mom!"

"I know but Avanali-"

"Stop! I don't know who that is! I don't know who you are! Just tell me where my mom is!" I screamed at him.

His face seemed to break. "You- you don't know who I am?" He rubbed the back of his neck.
I shook my head. "I don't.. I mean I..."  I wanted to say I didn't know him. But his eyes. There was something so familiar about them.

He grabbed my hand gently. A shiver ran down my spine. Everything felt so normal, holding his hand was like breathing, natural. I didn't need to think about it. "You don't remember the rooftop? Or being captured? How about healing my bullet wound? Does any of this ring a bell?"

I closed my eyes trying to remember.

Suddenly I gasped in pain as my arms began burning. Snatching away from him I fell to the ground. I screamed. The pain was spreading like wildfire. It traveled down my legs and up to my skull. I heard him shouting for the others.

But then it stopped. And it was as if something in my brain had clicked into place. I looked up at the boy, no,  Wesley.

His name is Wesley. This was my Wesley. The boy who I hadn't stopped thinking about since we'd met.

He gave me a look of concern before I lept to my feet and threw my arms around him. For a minute, he was frozen. But then he hugged me back, his arms shaking. He lifted me off the ground and I buried my head in his shoulder, his breath warm on my ear. "I never stopped trying to get to you, Margo. I never stopped trying."

"I love you Wesley." I whispered. He froze for a moment, breaking away from me. His eyes met mine and his hands cradled my face. "I love you too." He leaned in and I closed my eyes as his mouth found mine. He kissed me slowly, his lips soft and sweet, a warmth filled my stomach, not wanting him to ever let me go.

I felt him smile against my lips as he pulled away, resting his forehead on mine. I smiled back, my cheeks hot.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. "You're such a wuss, you should have done it sooner."

I heard the door open. Avanali grinned at me, I broke away from Wesley as she tackled me. "Margo! You're up!"

I giggled nodding. I spotted another familiar face in the door frame. Tristan offered me a small smile. He seemed different. His under eyes dark from absence of sleep. I gave him hug and he returned it.

"How ya doin?" He asked quietly.

I shrugged. "Fine I guess." I put my hand on his cheek, my fingers running over the stubble. He put his palm over my hand. "How are you doing?" I whispered.

He broke away. "Come on, Mrs. Doe will want to see you."

"Mrs. Doe?" I shook my head. "What is she doing here?" I looked around. "Umm where is here?"

Wesley grabbed my hand. "Mrs. Doe offered to let us stay in her safe house until-" He took a breath. "Until Snell is caught."

My muscles tensed and the hair rose on my back at the mention of his name. "He escaped." I stated numbly.

Tristan nodded. "With your blood in his system."

"What does that mean?" I asked quietly.

Tristan just shrugged. "It could mean an abundance of things for him. The real question is what does it mean for you?" He turned around and threw something, I involuntarily caught it in the air. It was a ballpoint pen.

"Well I suppose your reflexes are still there." He turned back around, continuing to lead us down the hallway. "We'll test your other abilities later."

Wesley grunted beside me. "Damn dude. What if she didn't still have reflexes. You could have taken her eye out."

Tristan laughed, it was a cold laugh I'd never heard from his before. "As if. Quit being so overprotective. She did just fine on her own without you."

I waited for Wesley's retort but there wasn't one. I gave him a questioning glance and he just shook his head, warning me not to ask.
I gripped the pen tightly before tucking into the waistband of my spandex shorts, underneath my hospital gown. What had happened?

Sorry I took so long for an update. Things are busy with school but I managed to write this. I know it's not incredible but it's a chapter so yay! Thanks for sticking with this story despite me being terrible at updating. Love you guys lots! And happy late Thanksgiving to my American readers. XOXO ~N.K

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