Chapter Seven: Truth

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A mechanical clicking began as the cuffs opened. I lifted my wrists, rubbing them gently.

"I don't think the cuffs were necessary, do you?" Enid brushed her dark hair behind her ear to reveal a small black earpiece, speaking into it, she requested that two cups of hot chocolate be brought to the room.

We sat in silence until a thin man in a matching white lab coat buzzed the door. He carried a tray with two mugs. Using a badge around his neck, he exited. The little black box next to the door in this room turned green as he scanned it and then became red again.

I held the mug in my hands, the porcelain warming my palms. The hot chocolate looked and smelled enticing, but I couldn't bring myself to drink it right away.

Enid chuckled, "I promise it isn't poisoned if that's what you're worried about."

I took a small sip. It burned the tip of my tongue, but only for a moment. The heat could be felt all the way down my throat, warming my stomach. Unintentionally, my body began to release the tension I'd been holding.

Enid smacked her lips, "That's better, isn't it? No need to have this conversation uncomfortably."

"Are you going to tell me what's happening now?" I asked between sips.

"The truth," Enid said, "The truth is that the United States is and has been under attack for a long time by a species from another dimension."

The hot chocolate in my mouth sprayed back into my mug. It burned the back of my throat and inside of my nose as I snorted in disbelief, "What?"

Enid frowned, "I know this will be a foreign concept to you. I suppose those of us in the 'know' have grown quite sensitized to it. But, it's true."

"A species from another dimension? How is that possible?" I entertained this thought though I had no intention of believing anything she could say.

"Well, our working theory is AI. Many forms of artificial intelligence were launched into space over the last few decades. The most exciting of these projects blinked off all radars. However, this is what NASA wanted as the AI was created with the potential capability of opening portals to other dimensions," Enid explained, "Without getting too technical, we believe the project opened many portals, or wormholes more scientifically, and one of these portals has connected our dimension to another."

"What does any of this science fiction garbage have to do with NUVID-77?" I asked in frustration.

Enid's brow furrowed, "Careful before degrading centuries of research to 'science fiction garbage'," she said, "Essentially, NASA was able to locate the opening of the portal, but not before many of the species escaped. They have been multiplying and spreading disease, mostly only infecting some animal populations. However, one of those diseases was NUVID-77."

"You expect me to believe the rash and fever I had was caused by aliens?" I scoffed.

"Interdimensional species, the terminology is important here," she insisted, "I don't care if you don't believe me, Margo, what I'm telling you is true. That's why the survivors have been brought here. We think this was a coordinated attack on the United States meant to debilitate our people through the loss of their young."

My hot chocolate had gone cold, "Then why did some of us survive?"

"Some?" she shook her head grimly, "That's an overstatement. Few survived. 211 at this moment in time. Though, we suspect the number will increase slightly as the few that have not been infected inevitably catch NUVID."

"211..." I repeated, nearly dropping the mug to the floor.

"And for you 211 we are grateful, though you were not unscathed," she faltered, "Have you been experiencing the side effects to your knowledge?"

"What side effects?"

"They vary depending on the variant you were infected with," said Enid, "Most of you have improved hearing and sight, to the same level as some species of animals, quicker reflexes. I know you've experienced some as your head trauma has already healed. You have blood in your hair but no wound. Am I right to assume you suffered a head injury?"

My hand flew to the gash only to find it missing. The side effects she spoke of sounded familiar. Is that what I'd been experiencing? My stomach ached, and the hot chocolate suddenly threatened to come up.

"So that's why we've been brought here because we're still infected in a sense?" My voice quivered.

"Don't think of it like that. You were blessed with survival, now the research conducted at this base can go toward a vaccine for those yet to be infected and help the scientists at NASA find a way to combat the interdimensional species."

I blinked, "Oh my god, it's the head trauma," laughter bubbled from my throat alongside a hot chocolate burp, "I'm hallucinating this and you're actually some sort of therapist."

"Please don't degrade my degree in virology to that of a psychologist," she huffed, "And no, I'm not a hallucination, this is very much real. I know it's a lot to process."

"A lot to process...." I murmured, "Are you going to run tests on me?"

Enid smiled, "Just another blood sample today, but yes, continuing we will run some tests."

I thought back to Taylor's fear, her constant looks toward the camera, "Are the tests painful?" I didn't know that I wanted the answer.

"Some of them," she responded honestly, "Soon you'll learn that you're not the same Margo you were before, though. You're stronger. There won't be anything you can't handle."

"And how long will this all take?" I asked, "That girl, Taylor, she said she'd been here for a month. And I want to know where we are, am I still in Georgia?"

"Unfortunately, I'm unable to provide any details about your location. As soon as word gets out about you and those like you, I'm afraid you'll all be in grave danger," she replied.

"And how long will I be wherever 'here' is?" I asked again, "A month? Two months? Will someone tell my dad that I'm safe?"

Enid nodded, "I know this is a lot to process, I can't give you a firm date of when you'll be released. We've taken many precautions to assure your safety, Margo. No matter how long you stay with us, I can promise this is the safest place for you right now."

"How. Long. Will. I. Be. Here!" I growled, "You're not answering me."

"Tone, Margo, or I'll be forced to use the cuffs again," Enid warned.

I settled back into my seat. I'd risen unconsciously.

"Thank you, it can take years to develop a vaccine, but before you get upset, you'll be saving lives," Enid assured, "We suspect this outbreak could spread worldwide. It's ravaged America but imagine if all the children of the world are needlessly infected and killed. The research done here will save billions."

I felt myself begin to cry again, "Can't I call my dad? I don't have his number but I'm sure someone could–"

"No," Enid said harshly, "No one can know about this base or project."

I stood up, "So my dad is going to think that both my mom and I are dead!"

"Sit down, Margo," Enid ordered.

"I want to go home, let someone else help with your research. I've been through enough," I started toward the door.

A ripple of electricity burned through my back. I screamed in agony, falling to the cold floor as Enid towered over me with a taser.

"I'm sorry, Margo, I warned you," Enid said, "This is going to hurt just a bit."

I begged the woman in the lab coat not to hurt me, but the taser's electricity shocked me back into a painful sleep.

Hello reader! Was this a twist you expected? Enjoy! Love to hear your comments below. - N.K Ansley

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