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"Hello?" I blinked a few time, attempting to clear my fuzzy vision. It was as if I was looking through glass or in some sort of dream. I was still in my childhood bedroom but it seemed more organised. What did that mean?

I tried to stand but everything was spinning and my head felt weightless. What was happening to me?

"Not gonna lie Margo, you look rough." Those his figure was blurry, I recognised him immediately.

Tears filled my eyes and a warm feeling spread through my stomach. "Wes?" My mind spun. "How are you here? Does this mean you're in trouble?"

He shook his head. "There's no time. Are you feeling okay?"

I tried to stand but failed again. "No. I don't know what's wrong with me."

I felt his familiar hand on my wrist. It was so warm it felt hot. I flinched a little. "Why are you so warm?" He squinted. "This is bad." He must of read the confusion on my face. "I'm not hot, you're just really cold."

I lifted my blurry palm to my face. My fingers did seem a little blue. "What does that mean?" I asked nervously.

"It means you're almost dead."

Panic rose in my chest. "What do you mean almost dead!" My voice cracked. "I can't be!" My breaths quickened. "That's ridiculous!"

His eyes filled with sympathy. "Unfortunate isn't it?" For a moment, I thought I saw a sneer on his lips.

"What are you playing at?" Who was this? "You're not Wesley, are you?"

He laughed. "Of course I'm not Wesley. That would mean Wesley was unconscious. I'm just you." Suddenly he began to fade, blurring like smoke. Then it was as if I was staring at my own reflection.

"I'm going to miss this place." She says.

I shook my head. "We aren't going to die. Isn't someone going to offer me a choice or something?"

She just smiled. "Oh love, you made your choice." She crouched down, her eyes meeting mine. "Remember when you threw that poor girl off a building?"

I gasped, scooting away from her, the room was spinning.

She stood up. "Whew," She wiped her brow and a wave of nausea came over me. "Is it just me or is it getting kind of hot in here?"

I took a breath. The air did seem steamy. What was happening? My brain pounded in my skull. The heat was beginning to overwhelm me and the feeling that came with it. I was going to hell. I deserved it didn't I? I'm a killer. I curled into a ball, bringing my knees to my chest. The room began to shake as if a tornado was headed my way. I heard glass shatter as things were thrown from the shelves. I heard dogs barking in the distance.

"They're coming for you."

I managed to lift my head, everything was swaying, blackening around the edges. I analyzed the room again, trying to remember. Where was the door? I need to get out of here.

Besides the room falling apart, everything was where it was supposed to be. The bed was against the left wall and the dresser was in front of it. I looked around. Something seemed off. Think, Margo. Think! The barking was getting louder and I heard wind like a train coming from all directions.

The bookshelf. It was on the opposite wall! I struggled to clamber to my feet. Each step was like a marathon, my feet weighed hundreds of pounds, so heavy I could barely lift them from the floor.

"What are you doing?" She asked, sounding panicked. I ignored her, gripping the sides of the bookshelf. Something fell from the top shelf, slamming into my head. I cried out in pain but continued to pull, every muscle in my body screaming. I could hear it moving, creaking against my tugs, clawing the floorboards in desperation. The door was minature, like a crawl space. Sweat dripped into my eyes as I wriggled behind the wardrobe. I kicked the crawl space door in frustration. The wood split just as I heard a maniacal growl behind me. What was behind this door could be much worse than whatever was behind me. But I couldn't risk staying here.

I sucked in the hot air, pushing myself in the dark tunnel, the splintered wood cutting into my arms and legs, jabbing at my stomach. I whimpered, forcing myself to keep crawling. Cool air slammed into my face.

I just needed something to be at the end of the tunnel. But isn't that all I ever needed?

Hello everybody! Please continue voting and commenting on this story! We're almost finished! I plan on adding some more story line for characters like Ophelia and her brother as well as Isaac and Dillon. I also have a new project coming as well as more work on Issues so be sure to go and check out that story. Keep "The Changed" on the leader board, tell your friends to comment and vote! Thank you! XOXO ~N.K

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