Winnie Melbourne

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Winnie Melbourne

I was born from blood and death. My father had fallen in a fight of claws and teeth moments before my mother had pushed me out of her womb and into her sinister arms.

My father's name was Micheal Melbourne. He was 27 when he was murdered. He was a warrior of Red Mountain, the pack where the blood of the fallen run in rivers.

My mother's name was Jessica Shivers. She was 43 when she was murdered by our Alpha. She was a warrior of Black Mountain, the pack where loyalty lies with no one but themselves.

My birth was supposed to be a joyous occasion. A prophecy foretold of a female born on January 1st, 2000. A female with the power of a goddess. A female who would become known as The Shadow Wolf. Hundreds of years passed and the prophecy came closer.

And then the day finally came.

Four females from Red Mountain went into labour within seconds of each other. Four pups were born that day, two males, two females. Moments before I was born, the father of the other female picked a fight with my father. Said that if I came out female, it was too late. The prophesized Shadow Wolf was his already born daughter and I was to be killed to maintain the purity and sanctity of this day.

Micheal fell to the claws of this male, unfortunately. The male stormed into my mother's hospital room just as I came out, stunning everybody. With hair and eyes as dark as night, there was an inkling that I would be the one. What really set it in everybody's mind was the shadows creeping in the corners that inched to my mother and I, covering me in a blanket of darkness.

My mother killed the other female and her mother seconds later.

Once all was said and done, Jessica took me home. She was a loving and kind mother up until my first shift at just 10 years of age. Jessica thought she could control the shadows within me and use me as a vessel to take the pack. She used the light to chase away my brothers and to leave me alone and cold, slowly breaking me down.

Alpha Kayson found out what she was doing. It didn't take long for him to break into our home and murder my mother during one of our sessions. I was 17 when my Alpha saved me and took me under his wing, making me a warrior and showing me the true love of family.

My brothers returned and took me from Red Mountain for quite some time to heal. They met with Alpha Kayson and decided that it would be best if I were to cut ties with the pack. When I came back, I was... different.

The time in the darkness lasted two years. I came back with the ways of Red Mountain making an appearance in my actions and words. One day, the Gamma crossed a line with me and my brothers words ran through my mind.

"Spill the blood of those who have crossed the lines you have defined."

I took those words to heart and killed my own Gamma. Having won the battle, the title transferred over to me. There were many contenders that fought hard against me to take the title, but it would never work.

Nobody could beat the Shadow Wolf.

I made rivers of blood run through Red Mountain. I killed my future Luna when she tried to murder Alpha Kayson. I have murdered friends and foe alike to maintain my boundaries and the boundaries of my pack.

There are rivers of blood but the prophecy has just begun. Once it is finished, there will be oceans of red and the weak will drown in the tide.

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