Chapter Forty

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Alpha Bronze of Black Mountain

Winnie stays curled up until the smell of extra rare steak wafts into the closet as James stepped in. Her nose lifts as she scents the air before she growls hungrily. James puts the plate down in front of her and she rolls onto her stomach before slowly crawling forward. She eyes us slightly before snatching the steak off of the plate and devouring it, immediately curling back up after it's gone.

James takes the plate away and I sigh, throwing my head back and staring at the ceiling in boredom. I'm an Alpha and Alphas have never just sat around waiting before. My body itches with the urge to get up and do something, anything.

Ezra nudges me. "Why don't you snoop through some of Alpha Samuel's things? Not like he's gonna care, he's dead.", he suggests.

I think about it for a moment for nodding. "I think I'll do that."

I make my way to Alpha Samuel's office, grabbing a granola bar on my way up. As I settle into his desk chair and open the bar, taking a bite as I look around his desk. There's the normal pack work consisting of pack affairs and affairs with other packs. I shuffle it aside before I come across the list of contenders in The Salvation Trials, noting a star next to Winnie's name. I furrow my brows and set the paper aside. Underneath it is a plain manilla folder, the edges torn and dirty as if somebody opened it over and over again.

There's a sinking feeling in my gut as I open and come face to face with an enlarged photo of my mate smiling at somebody. I slowly take all the papers out, going through them until I find a letter from Prime Alpha Titus to Alpha Samuel.

Alpha Samuel,

It has come to my attention that you wish to find the Shadow Wolf, Winnie Melbourne. While I am unable to disclose her location to you, I can tell you something else that will aid in your search.

Winnie Melbourne is your half sister. Born from the same mother, you both share a familial bond that will help you locate her if strong enough. I suggest getting in touch with Coven Leader Malcom Hughes to artificially strengthen the bond and use it to locate her.

I do not know your intentions when you find Winnie and quite frankly I do not care. If you do find her, I want you to murder her or bring her to me right away. If you do ask I ask and provide proof that she is truly dead, I will grant you the position of Prime Alpha.

May your search prove fruitful. Best of luck, Alpha Samuel.

Prime Alpha Titus

The granola bar slips from my hand and bounces off the desk, hitting the floor with a soft thud. I snarl as I drop the paper and clench the arms on the chairs tightly. My nails turn into claws and they dig into the material as I snarl again.

The bastard. That fucking bastard.

Winnie's going to be devastated if she finds this out. She's always wanted siblings in this world but with her mother being the way she was, it just wasn't possible. Come to find out she did have a brother, an older brother who was going to kill her for power.

I have to tell her. As much as I don't want to, she has to know. With that thought in mind, I stand up and exit the office, heading for the closet where she nested. The paper is slightly crumpled in my hand as I stalk down the hall.

The door bangs against the wall and I stalk towards the closet and step in. Winnie looks up at me, worry evident in her eyes. I feel a nudge through the link and I open it fully while staring at the paper, allowing Winnie to read it through my eyes.

She snarls and stands, fur raising with hints of pure aggression. She doesn't leave her nest though as she paces around in a circle.

"Kill him. I'm gonna kill him.", she growls to me.

I send waves of reassurance down the bond and watch as she slowly relaxes. "All in due time."

Her snout crinkles as she growls. "Titus will face my wrath very soon. I'm going to make him come to me."

Ezra and James join the conversation after listening in for a few moments. "How?"

Winnie's head swivel towards James and I can see she's about to give him commands. "Get on Alpha Samuel's computer and email Titus that the Shadow Wolf is dead by his hands. Tell him you have the body and want him to come get it to dispose of it."

James nods and disappears without another word and Winnie turns her attention to Ezra. "I want you to prepare. Bypass the system to lift the lockdown. When Titus is in the packhouse, I want you to activate the lockdown and cut all power. Once that is done, lock yourself in the Alpha's Office."

"Yes ma'am.", Ezra responds before climbing to his feet to join James in the office.

"Bronze, I need you to go through the packhouse and find the defense weapons. Disable them and hide any weapons Titus can use. If he wants to kill me, he's gonna have to work for it."

"You're gonna leave the nest?", I ask her.

"Yes. I have no choice. My brothers have informed me that there are no more contenders in The Salvation Trials except for us four. The other wolves killed each other off and the one who came out alive died due to his injuries. We are it, but Titus does not know who exactly died. He believes that Alpha Samuel is alive with Ezra, James, and you. How wrong he is."

I grin in pride at Winnie's thought process and plan. "I'll get on it right away."

"Thank you. With Titus here and believing I'm dead, he'll call off the Clans."

"I thought you couldn't change fate?"

She grins, the action terrifying on her wolf face. "I'm the Shadow Wolf and future Goddess. I can bend anything to my will if I want to do so. Mother Mene didn't think it was possible for me to do so, but apparently I can. The bonds are mine to control, as are the stars."

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