Chapter Thirty-Two

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Alpha Bronze of Black Mountain

I snarl as I wake up, jaws snapping at the human hands shaking me roughly. Ezra yanks back quickly and I take a moment to register is pale face and the panic in his eyes. I shift quickly and crouch down to level myself with the male. "What's wrong?", I whisper.

"It's Winnie.", Ezra whispers back. My eyes dart to her wolf form and the steady rise and fall of her chest before moving my gaze back to Ezra. "Mother Mene has reached to me through the veil. Winnie is with her right now due to dire circumstances that have changed some things."

"How long will she be like that?", I question as James starts collecting our clothes and handing them to us.

"Hours. Days. I don't know. Mother Mene didn't say."

I take a hand through my hair. "Fuck.", I curse.

James joins us as we yank on our clothes quickly. "We need to move and we need to do it now. I scouted Red Mountain's perimeter earlier and we have wolves moving in from the North, Northeast, and the West.", he says.

"Is it the Clans?", I ask as I glance outside.

"No.", James answers as he slips on his shirt and then a thin jacket. "But they're not aware that they're all heading to the same place. It's gonna be a bloodbath out there and if we don't leave now, then we'll be caught in it."

Rushing across the room, I crouch and carefully pick up Winnie's unconscious form. I hug her tight to my chest as James motions for me to follow him and Ezra follows behind me. "The back door is closest to the boundary line. We'll have about thirty miles of neutral land before we cross into White Mountain.", James whispers as he slowly opens the backdoor, wincing slightly as the rusty hinges creak loudly.

I winced at the sudden onslaught of bright light, squinting as my eye struggled to adjust. When I could finally see clearly, I took off in a light jog after James who glanced around every few feet. My wolf pressed against my skin as my senses heightened. I became aware of every step I was taking, every animal in the forest, and the sound of snow crunching in the distance.

The crunching grew louder and I stiffened as Ezra cursed before veering off course. James slowed down to fall in step next to me, growling. "I'll help Ezra fend off the wolf. Keep going straight. In two miles, you'll cross the line. After that, keep going. We'll catch up."

Nodding, I speed up into a full blown run as James turns around and shifts into his wolf. My fingers dig into Winnie's fur as I pace myself, heart pounding wildly in my chest. "C'mon Winnie.", I mutter through our link. "Wake up. We need you here right now. Please."

I feel myself leaving Red Mountain and I slow down slightly, staying alert. There's no commotion in the territory behind me except for the chirping of birds and a deer grazing for food not too far away from me. After a few seconds of running, I hear panting behind me and turn my head to see James running to me with Ezra in his human form not too far behind. James shifts smoothly, never breaking stride, as both run alongside me covered in blood.

"They know we were there. There's a stream not too far away. We need to get there and wash away our scents.", Ezra suggests as he motions to the right.

James nods and then glances at me. "You need me to take her for a little while?", he asks.

I nod. "If you don't mind. She's not heavy, but my arms are tired from having to run and hold her."

I transition Winnie over to James and I pull in front of the group as we fall into a line. As the stream comes into view, I dive into the freezing waters before motioning to take Winnie so James can climb in also. Ezra follows and I dunk Winnie, keeping her head above water.

"Come back to us, Love. Please."

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