Chapter One

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Winnie Melbourne

"The rage I felt in the moment made my blood boil.", I replied, eyebrows creasing. "My mother had just been killed and I was forced into the role."

Dr. Lundy uncrossed her legs and sat forward slightly. "So you blame Alpha Kayson for your following actions?"

I snarled. "I would never blame Alpha Kayson for how I reacted!", I said, baring my teeth at her in defence. "I am merely stating that the stress of the situation and the new position put on me was far too much for me to handle. Alpha Kayson did what he thought was best in the moment, and that was to try to give me a sense of stability. He was trying to prevent me from becoming a ticking time bomb, unaware that I was already one and was on my last few seconds."

"Winnie, are you sure you don't think Alpha Kayson takes any fault for what happened?", she questioned me.

I opened my mouth and then closed it. Dr. Lundy made a motion between her and I and then made a lip sealing motion. Letting my shoulders sag, I sighed heavily. "Alpha Kayson is partly at fault but my actions are my own. I chose to react the way I did and I knew what would happen. I knew the consequences. "

"Great. Acknowledging that you are not entirely at fault is one of the keys to your recovery. Now, what part do you believe Alpha Kayson is at fault for?"

"Not saving me sooner.", I answered without hesitation. "If Alpha Kayson was more involved in the pack and talked to his pack members more often, I wouldn't have suffered for as long as I did. Years would've decreased to only a few months."

"And what about those who knew about the abuse but did not report it?"

I crossed my legs and put both hands on one knee. "They are just as at fault, if not more so. They have suffered enough though just knowing that they had a small part in destroying me."

Dr. Lundy ignores the term I used and continues with one last question. "And those who had a direct hand in the abuse?"

Smiling bitterly, I stand and smooth the long leather coat I wore. "Have you not realized those who have gone missing 'mysteriously' are those who had a hand in hurting me? I never forget a face, Dr. Lundy. Karma comes no matter how long it's been. Have a good day."

I leave in a hurry, shaken to the core at what I had told Dr. Lundy. Blaming my Alpha in my head was one thing. But telling a fellow pack member that out Alpha was at fault for what happened to me? That was a whole different thing. One that could get me in serious trouble with the Supreme Alpha. I was well aware of the consequences that could follow my words if somebody else found out. The Supreme Alpha was cruel, even more so to me. The man hated my guts for reasons unknown to me. He wasn't sexist, just a dick for no good reason.

Alpha Kayson was waiting outside of the clinic for me, his arms crossed over his chest and a stern look on his face. I checked the mindlink we shared to ensure that I didn't have my end open when I confessed to believing he was partly at fault for what I had to endure throughout my childhood and early teens. Relief washed over me when I realized that link was still locked down tight.

"We have a problem.", he says, his deep voice turning into a rumble as he growls. His right hand absentmindedly scratches at his faded mate mark, a habit he developed shortly after his soulmate's death. "There are rogue wolves attempting to raze the pack. They haven't made it far, thank Mene. Just past the border. The warriors are holding them off there while everybody prepares themselves for the fight."

My lips turn up into a cruel smile as my teeth lengthen to those of my wolf. "How many are there?", I ask.

"Roughly 35, give or take a few. The pack is waiting on their Gamma's commands."

"And their destination?"

He shifts uncomfortably, the feeling of unwelcome wolves on his land causing pain. It's a feeling I'm having too, like claws digging into my spine and being raked down without mercy. "The packhouse."

My smile widens into a grin as I open the mindlink to the whole pack. "Allow them entry. Chase them further and push them into the heart of Red Mountain. Force them to see the carnage we have created once and will do again."

"Yes Gamma!", the pack yells and I feel the shift in direction and energy.

I strip my clothes, as does Alpha Kayson. "The pack is pushing them to the heart of Red Mountain.", I inform him.

"Which heart?", he asks.

"The place where Luna Kellie fell to my teeth."

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