Chapter Nine

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Winnie Melbourne

Dinner is upon Red Mountain, the sun barely visible through the trees, casting an eerie glow onto the snow. I barely give the outside weather a glance, collecting the last refugee from his room and guiding them to the large dining room. Along the way, I explain how dinner works for Red Mountain.

"We eat as a family.", I explain. "That's because we are a family. The way we fill our plates and who goes first is far different than any other pack. Our young go first as the future of the pack. Next is the weaker and older wolves. They need all the additional nutrients they can get to help them strengthen up a little and stay as healthy as possible. Next is our regular pack members and then the warriors. After that it goes by the rank of the higher ups. Delta, Gamma, Beta, and then Alpha. The Alpha always provides for his or her pack first, that's how the pecking order is, and then they provide for themselves. You all will be in line with regular pack members. Shortly after dinner, there will be an induction ceremony to merge you into the pack. My Alpha will explain the rest to you during dinner, where you will sit and dine with us."

"Excuse me, Gamma Winnie?", a young male wolf, Brian, says as he steps forward. "What about the Omegas?"

I glance at him before facing forward again. "The Mountain Packs do not believe in the idea of Omegas. We do not go by 'we are only as strong as our weakest link'. The Mountain Packs believe that the weak should be given the same opportunities that are given to any other wolf. A wolf can only be as strong as others allow them to be and we allow our wolves to train as much as they see fit outside of the mandatory training. Everybody in Red Mountain are given the same opportunities to ensure fairness and equality between all members except the higher ranking wolves. Higher ranks mean you are held to a higher standard."

"Oh.", he mutters.

"You were an Omega.", I state.

"Yes.", he answers despite it not being a question. "I was treated very poorly and excluded from the pack."

My wolf snarls and I suppress my own growl. "That is not how things work around here. The pack will accept you with open arms. If they do not, not only will they have to answer to Alpha Kayson, but they will have to answer to me. They will not like that."

Brian smiles in relief and falls back further into the small crowd, happy chatter coming from everybody as we approach the dining room. I throw the heavy doors open and lead the way. The pack stops talking, all eyes on the newcomers. I clear my throat loudly, drawing the attention of over 200 wolves.

"Listen up Red Mountain!", I yell, my voice echoing off of the large walls and roof. "These are the wolves from the flat packs. They seek sanctuary in our pack. The injustices they have faced have been horrible ordeals and they wish to leave that all behind. Tonight, these wolves will be your packmates. Let's welcome them with open arms!"

Cheers and howls of excitement fill the room as the pack starts to gather, every wolf wanting to meet their new packmates. I see females from Red Mountain grabbing the newcomer females and rubbing their cheeks together, a sign of respect, love, and acceptance.

My eyes scan the room, catching those of Alpha Kayson standing in front of his large chair. He nods his head as he claps his hands with everybody else, a smile on his face. A sign of respect and love passes through my bond with him and I feel myself smiling.

"Let's eat!", Alpha Kayson yells as everybody starts merging into a line.

Grabbing their new packmates, some of the wolves guide them into their spots in line, allowing the newcomers to skip the regular pack members. The dining room is filled with laughter and voices as everybody converses excitedly with each other, telling each other about their day and making plans for what they're going to do tomorrow. I take my spot in line, a small smile staying on my face all throughout dinner.

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