Chapter Thirty-Three

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Winnie Melbourne

"I have news, Winnie. I don't think you're going to like it.", Mother Mene says as she sits on her throne, her form tense. "I apologize but a certain turn of events have changed the outcome of everything. Unless you do something to change the course of your destiny."

I stare at Mother Mene and clench my hands into tight fists. "What's happening, Mother? I can feel the change here. The atmosphere is... wrong.", I question.

Mother Mene looks away from my questioning gaze. "The Clans are what's happening. I thought I had them figured out.", she muttered, shaking her head. "I was wrong. Their plans have changed and the Flat Packs have joined their cause."

I stumble back a step. "No. That can't be. If the Flat Packs have joined the Clans, then that means-"

"That you will not survive. Your mates and you will all be sacrificed. Unless you can stop it.", she finishes for me.

"What can I possibly do? I am only one wolf going against hundreds, maybe even thousands."

Mother Mene shakes her head again. "Let me explain the whole situation, Winnie. The Clans approached the Flat Packs and have asked for their assistance. They agreed with the Prime Alpha's approval. As they move into the Mountain Packs, they are going to target your mates first and take them from you. They know you will follow wherever your mates go, no matter the circumstances, and they are counting on that. You cannot follow, no matter what."

"You're asking me to do the impossible. I would die for my males, plain and simple. I will not leave them to suffer at the claws of those despicable wolves.", I protest.

She appraises me for a second for sighing. "I knew you were going to say that. I know you Winnie, inside and out. That is why I have given you an out."

"An out?"

"A way to change the destiny of your mates and you. A way to change fate and to survive."

I furrow my brows in confusion. "What is it? If it's going to help my mates and I, then I must do it. Please.", I beg.

"Take the Spirit Warrior as one of your mates. Instead of four, make it five. The Clans and their allies will not be expecting him and they will be caught off guard. That gives you the opening to sneak in and disband them once and for all. The one who leads them is Marcus Savlar. Kill him and the rest will fall in line. The Flat Packs will give up and everything will fall back into place.", she says.

I'm surprised by her words and check my bonds, finding another matebond. I tug on it lightly and feel a slight tug back before focusing back in the Dark Goddess. "If I take him as my mate, everything will return to the way it was?" She doesn't say a word but nods slowly. I feel my knees weaken at the prospect but I stand firm, willing myself not to collapse. "Okay. I'll do it."

"I was hoping you would say that. Now, I must return you to your companions. I've kept you here for far too long. They need you. Good luck, Winnie. And remember, Marcus Savlar."

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