Chapter Four - The Past

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Winnie Melbourne

"MOM! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME IN HERE!", I scream, pounding my fists on the door. I hear her cruel laughter on the other side before her heavy footsteps disappear to the other side of the house. I throw myself against the door in terror as my eyes cloud with tears. I throw myself against the door again and cry out in pain as my shoulder rips from its socket, tearing muscles and ligaments.

I lean my back on the door and slowly slide down to the floor, clutching my injured arm to my chest. Sobbing softly, I cry for the pain I have to endure at the hands of my mother and the pain my Shadow Brothers have to endure. The bright lights in this room have chased them away, kept Kieron and the others from reaching me and saving me. I can feel their agony in my bond and their need to save me from the clutches of my own flesh and blood.

"Get up, Winnie. Get up!", Kieron whispers to me through our bond, our only source of contact.

"I can't, Kieron. I'm sorry but I don't have the energy anymore.", I sob.

"You can!", he yells. "Your Alpha is on his way! Deon told Alpha Kayson about what was happening and he's coming but you have to help save yourself."

I open my eyes and squint from the brightness. "What's the plan?"

"Get up, first of all. Deon and the others only need a little bit of darkness to be able to reach you. I need you to smash at least one of those lights."

"They're too far up.", I protest as I stand, using my good hand to shield my eyes. "Even if I could, my right arm is useless."

"They're not too far up Winnie. Look around. There are books on the wall. You can throw a book at one of the lights."

I nod my head. Okay. I can do that. Walking over to one of the bookshelves, I choose a thick book that I can throw decently hard. I take a deep breath and bring my left arm back to throw the book when there's a commotion. Splintering wood and shattering glass stops me short and has my heart thudding in fear. I hear my mother's scream of rage and a snarl that's filled with the power of my Alpha.

"Hurry Winnie! She's coming!", Deon yells at me.

I hear the door being kicked and I throw the book with all my strength. It strikes the bulb and glass rains down on me, cutting my face and arms. The door bursts open, wood flying and my mother steps in, glinting metal in her hand as she charges me. The shadows dart forward, snatching me and throwing me into another realm just as I see Alpha Kayson's wolf tackle my mother to the ground.

I hear her scream of pain and then bones breaking before there is silence. Deon, his dark skin and red hair, hugs me close before walking out of the shadows. Alpha Kayson has shifted back, breathing heavily and blood running down his chest from a wound on his collarbone.

"You must be Winnie Melbourne, the Shadow Wolf.", he says as he smiles at me warmly.

Looking up at this large man, I feel safe. My Alpha had come for me and had shown he cared by saving me. Alpha Kayson held his arms out for me and Deon carefully set me in them, kissing me softly on the forehead.

"Be careful, Alpha. Her shoulder is fucked up.", Deon says.

"I will take good care of her.", Alpha Kayson promises.

Deon nods. "I know you will.", he responds before disappearing, melting into the darkness.

Alpha Kayson holds me tighter to his chest, ducking his head to whisper in my ear. "I will forever protect you from here on out. No harm shall come to you while under my care."

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