Chapter Twelve - The Past

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Winnie Melbourne

"I am giving you a gift, Winnie.", the female said, her voice echoing off the walls of the temple we were in. Mene sat upon her black marble throne, her legs crossed under her large black dress. "A gift that will change the world, if you allow it to, that is."

"The gift, Mother Mene. What is it? What can it do?", I ask.

She chuckles and I find it comforting. "This is why I have always liked you, Winnie. Eager and straight to the point. You will go far in this world. As for the gift, it is powerful. If people were to find out what else you can do, they will hunt you more than ever. I am giving you the Power of Bonds."

I shuffle closer and sit at her feet, looking up at her. I see red lips behind her black veil and sparkling eyes. Beauty, untainted by the mortal world. "Power of Bonds?"

"Yes, Power of Bonds. You will be able to check the bonds with other people, the connections our wolves make with others. You will be able to check your bonds with other people. You can help wolves find their mates and you will be able to find your mates much easier when you turn twenty."

"My mates? As in plural?"

Mene leans forward, eyes dancing with mischief. "Yes, plural. Mother Selene and I saw fit to gift you with four mates, all wolf shifters. One Beta, two Alpha's, and a Gamma. Two of four have a darkness in them, something like yours. They are my sons. The other two are filled with light and are Mother Selene's. Great things are going to happen to you, Winnie. You are destined to change the world and rid it of all evil. Whether you actually do or not is entirely up to you. Now, I do believe Alpha Kayson is worried about you. Wake up, Winnie, and take the world by storm."

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