Chapter Thirty

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Winnie Melbourne

"The packs are at the Prime Alpha's, safe from the Salvation Trials. The Mountain Packs are empty save for those participating.", Alpha Kayson says as he hangs up the phone. "We have five minutes left  until the start."

I stared around the office at the remaining wolves in Red Mountain. Alpha Kayson, Bronze, James, Ezra, Delta Oliver, and myself sat in various chairs and couches, relaxing before we faced the undertermined amount of time full of trials and death. I assessed my opponents calmly, taking note of Delta Oliver's nervous fidgeting. Alpha Kayson had his dark gaze on Delta Oliver and I knew that as soon as the first howl came, Oliver was on the top of his list. After that, it would be up to Alpha Kayson whether he was going to fight me or concede.

My mates leaned against the back of the couch on either side of me, relaxed and composed. Ezra sat on an armchair across from us as his muscles tensed and relaxed, fighting back the urge to get up and take out the weakest link in the room. I smirked as Oliver met my gaze, his face pale. The tension in the room seemed too much for him as he stood on shaky legs and stumbled back towards the door. "I think I'm gonna-", he started but a noise cut him off.

The howl was long and loud, full of power and signalling the start. Oliver stumbled back faster before whipping around and running for the door. Alpha Kayson wasted no time, vaulting over his desk and lunging for Oliver, slamming him into the doors so hard that they broke open and both males fell into the hallway. Everybody stood and followed as snarls and growled echoed through the empty packhouse.

I watched in amusement as Alpha Kayson shoved his knee into Oliver's side and then punched him in the face. Oliver groaned but attempted to fight back, swinging wildly. His body rotated fully, following his fist, and missed Alpha Kayson. My Alpha took advantage of Oliver's unstable balance as he fell and wrapped an arm around his throat, locking in a tight chokehold. "Submit.", Alpha Kayson snarled.

Oliver clawed helplessly at Alpha Kayson's arms but it only caused him to tighten his hold. "I concede!", Oliver croaked, fighting for air. "I concede, let go!"

Alpha Kayson let him go and shoved him to the ground before throwing his head back and howling, announcing to the Prime Alpha that one was down. He turned to my two mates and I with Ezra just behind us and assessed us. I stared at him, waiting for his next move. Alpha Kayson waited a moment before kneeling before me and showing his neck. "I concede to you, Winnie Melbourne. May you win the Trials and become my Prime Alpha."

I gave him a nod. "Thank you, Alpha Kayson. Your sacrifice is greatly appreciated.", I said to him before releasing a loud howl.

Bronze placed a hand on my lower back. "We need to go. No doubt the Clans are infiltrating the Mountain as we speak and we have other contenders to deal with.", he says, guiding me past Alpha Kayson and down the stairs.

I took one last look at my home, feeling a deep sadness in my chest. If I won, this would no longer be my home. If I didn't win, then I would never live to see another day. It wasn't in my blood to submit. I will always fight until my very last breath. "I wish to stay in Red Mountain for a little while longer. My instincts are telling me that many wolves will make their way here in search of me."

James frowned but nodded his head in understanding. Quite a few wolves would come into Red Mountain to deal with the deadliest wolf on the Mountain, and I wouldn't be surprised if they ganged up on me in a pathetic attempt to take me out. "Okay. Where are we going to hide?"

With a grim face, I led them to a house near the edge of the territory. "My mother's home."

I stared up at the two-story home at the peeling paint. The house had been left vacant since my mother and I lived here. Shutters barely hung onto the windows and the front stairs were missing two steps. Not wasting a single second, I vaulted up the stairs and reached above the door, fingers searching for the spare key that was always there. I grasped the cool metal and exhaled slowly as I slid the key into the lock and turned it, hearing the audible click as the door unlocked. When I turned the knob, the door didn't open and I slammed my shoulder against the weathered wood.

As the door slowly creaked open, I stepped into the foyer and gazed at the empty home. Dust floated through the air as Bronze, James, Ezra, and I stepped in and closed the door behind us. It was cold in here and my wolf pressed against my skin in an attempt to provide some more body heat. I shuddered at the horrific memories before forcing them back.

"We stay here.", I announced. "If we have any luck, the wolves will head for the packhouse to search. Alpha Kayson and Delta Oliver will be in a safe room underground and hidden. Three of us will follow at a safe distance behind the wolves and two will flank on either side. We'll take them out and regroup back here for our next move."

Ezra gives me a firm nod before moving the curtains slightly and peeking outside. He quickly yanks away from the window and plasters himself against the wall, motioning for us to get down. I duck, crouching on the balls of my feet and looking at Ezra.

I feel pressure against my barriers in my mind and I allow them to drop to give Ezra access but I don't give him the chance to speak. "Why aren't you using the packlink?", I demand, confused as to why the packlink remains still but a new link has formed.

"I have pledged allegiance to you and only you. Alpha Kayson is no longer my Alpha, but you are.", he answers.

"Okay. What did you see?"

Ezra glances outside again before carefully dropping the curtain back in place. "We didn't have to wait long, Alpha. There are some wolves here sniffing around."

"They shouldn't be able to catch our scent. Not with all the other scents around Red Mountain, and even if they did they wouldn't find out we were in this house. The air is too stale.", I assure him.

Bronze slowly creeps to the window and looks out before linking me through the matebond. "It's all clear. They're moving away."

"Which direction?"

"Southeast. They're not in a hurry."

I nod as my wolf presses against my skin, whispering in my mind. She wants me to wait so she can form a link with their wolves, creating a packlink. Once she gives me the okay, I open it much to their surprise. "Another blessing, I'll explain later. Southeast is where Alpha Kayson's personal home is at. They're most likely counting on Alpha Kayson and I being there, nailing two birds with one stone. How many are there?"

"Eight.", James answers, having joined the other two at the window.

"Alright. We move on my signal. The plan stays the same, a different destination. Ready?", I ask.

After three confirmations, I creep the door and slowly open it. "Let's go."

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