Chapter Twenty - The Past

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Winnie Melbourne

"Ms. Melbourne, you are being accused of attacking and killing a member of your pack without reason. How do you plead to the charges?", Prime Alpha Titus says, his eyes glinting in triumph.

He thinks he has me, thinks he's going to be able to put me away for life now. Too bad for him, that's not happening. "Not guilty.", I answer in a strong voice as I meet his eyes and hold his gaze, my defiance being made known.

"The evidence we have against you is substantial, Gamma Winnie. We have several witnesses and they all have told us that you issued several threats to the male wolf before attacking him without cause. Why?"

My gaze hardens as I glare at the Prime Alpha. "And these witnesses are?", I question.

"Answer the question.", Prime Alpha Titus growls.

"Answer mine first.", I snap. "I bet those witnesses weren't even around when that male fell to my teeth. We were in neutral territory. He was aiding me in a rogue tip we got. He turned on me, and I defended myself well within my rights."

Prime Alpha Titus growls, unhappy with the truth I'm spilling. "So instead of just incapacitating Jason and bringing him back to Red Mountain for a proper trial, you murder him in cold blood?"

My wolf surges forward with a snarl and shares control with me. "Jason turned on me. I issued several Gamma Commands to get him to stand down, and he did not. Right before he attacked me, he renounced his ties to Red Mountain. I was well within my rights to defend myself from a bloodthirsty rogue!"

He stands, his chair flying back. "Bloodthirsty?!", he yells. "How can you call a nineteen year old bloodthirsty?! Isn't it true that you are also bloodthirsty?! Have you not attacked the Alpha of Black Mountain for fun?!"

"That has nothing to do with this and you know it!", I snarl, straightening my spine. "Alpha Bronze and I have sorted that out a long time ago. He questioned my position and I accepted his challenge. You're just trying to find any reason to put me in a silver cell and separate my wolf and I for your own fucking gain!"

"Are you accusing me of something?!", he snarls.

"No, I'm speaking the truth. You have nothing on me, Prime Alpha. Drop the charges and leave Red Mountain alone. Leave ME alone."

"The witnesses -", he starts but I cut him off.

"There are no witnesses and you know it. Why don't we call one of my own witnesses? I'd like to call Alpha Bronze of Black Mountain to testify. The attack happened only a mile away from his borders and he responded just as Jason turned on me."

"Very well. The defendant calls Alpha Bronze of Black Mountain to the stand.", Prime Alpha Titus announces.

Alpha Bronze makes his way forward, sitting down in the front of the Council room. Prime Alpha Titus turns to face him. "Alpha Bronze, you responded to reports of a fight near your borders. Is this correct?"

"Yes.", Alpha Bronze answers.

"And what did you see?"

Alpha Bronze glances at me and I hold his gaze, his pale eye a stark contrast to his dark brown eye. "Both Gamma Winnie and Jason were in human form when I arrived. Gamma Winnie was screaming at Jason to stand down and submit to her. She suffered several gashes to her thigh and chest while Jason didn't have a scratch on him."

"And the rogue?", Prime Alpha Titus interrupts.

"The rogue was already captured two days prior and now resides in my cells."


"Jason renounced his ties to Red Mountain, cutting the packlink before he lunged at Gamma Winnie. There was a small fight before she could get him off of her and shift into her wolf. Jason shifted into his wolf also and attacked. Gamma Winnie's wolf remained defensive, going for the legs and back flank.", Alpha Bronze continues.

"And what do you think Gamma Winnie was trying to accomplish?"

"In my professional opinion as an Alpha and seasoned warrior, she was doing her best to wear the wolf out so she could knock him unconscious and bring him back to her pack. When Jason was able to knock Gamma Winnie over and bite at her neck, Gamma Winnie had no choice but to defend her life. In mere seconds, the fight turned from a small squabble into a fight for life or death.", The Alpha of Black Mountain answers, the honesty in his words touching me a little. I expected him to lie after what I did.

Prime Alpha Titus turns to the rest of the Council and they link one another, obviously arguing by the frustrated expression on the Prime Alpha's face. Finally, he sighs and stands. "Gamma Winnie, you have pleaded not guilty to the attack and murder of James Ripley. If found guilty, you will be separated from your wolf and serve two life sentences in The Seventh Layer of Hell, a prison for werewolves. Several witnesses came forward about the attack, claiming you attacked without being provoked. You have called your own witness, Alpha Bronze of Black Mountain, who has dispersed these testimonies and spoke the truth today. Gamma Winnie, for the attack and murder of James Ripley, the Council finds you not guilty. You are free to return to Red Mountain and resume your duties as Gamma. Your Alpha will handle the pack members who submitted false witness testimonies."

I bow my head slightly and breathe a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Prime Alpha Titus.", I say as I turn and leave the Council room, a weight off my shoulders.

A hand grabbing my arm stops me and I turn, clenching my jaw at the face that stares at me. "We need to talk."

"No, I don't think we do. Thank you, but don't touch me ever again if you appreciate your hand.", I snarl, grabbing his large hand and shoving it off of me.

"You can't run from me, Winnie Melbourne.", the Alpha of Black Mountain says as I walk away.

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