Chapter Forty-Five

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Winnie Melbourne

I stand tall, the courtyard still and dead silent as every wolf awaits my commands. I open my mouth but then shut it as my throat tightens and my eyes burn with the onslaught of tears. Grief consumes me and threatens to collapse me with its weight, grasping my heart and squeezing tightly. Finally, I find the words and the courage to speak.

"Two of my mates are dead.", I start. "You have killed two of my mates and yet were unable to kill me. Why? What has all this planning, this attack, brought you? You have lost family and friends because you wish to kill me for the favor of the Goddesses. Did you not think any of this through? Every wolf is made by our Mother Goddesses. I am the Shadow Wolf. They have made me that way. Killing me would not make them favor you, but rather force you to face their wrath.

Look at me. Look at my fucking face! I am the Prime Alpha and I am the Luna Supreme. The Goddesses have chosen me. You took two of my mates for nothing and one of my other mates has rejected me. You have ruined an amazing night for no reason other than selfish greed. And that is why I am deciding your punishment. You all will be divided between Red Mountain, Orange Mountain, and Black Mountain. You will be beaten until you understand just how brutal the Mountain Packs are, until you submit and adopt our ways.", I announce, my voice wavering.

"But we'll die!", a voice cries out.

"If you die, then you die.", I sneer in the direction of the wolf. "May the Goddesses have mercy on such a stupid and weak wolf such as yourself. Your leader is dead. I am your Prime Alpha now."

There are no more protests as Alpha Aslin of Orange Mountain makes his way towards the Clan wolves, walking through their group with an evil grin. His claws are out and he slashes some wolves across the face, claiming them in the most primal way. Alpha Kayson is next, closely inspecting each Clan wolf closely. Some wolves he snarls at while others he grabs by the face, holding them steady as he blinds them in one eye.

"An eye for an eye will make the world blind.", he growls. "But an eye for a life will allow the world to see the wrong."

Bronze, my beautiful Alpha mate, takes the rest. His marks are different, slashing them across the face and then leaving gashes down their backs. He's growling the whole time, holding his rage back. I can see the bloodlust in his eye as he meets my gaze but he gives me a firm nod, offering his comfort and support through the bond. I accept it and let myself relax a fraction, letting go of some of the pain.

"You have been selected and divided amongst the packs by your new Alphas. I hope you see the error in your ways and attempt to redeem yourself. Now leave Windmere. The celebrations are postponed until further notice. I have two mates to bury."

The wolves separate into their respective packs and shift into the wolves, their Alphas leading them into the woods and back to their packlands. I'm left standing in front of Bronze and his pack, Ezra, and Windmere Mountain.

The courtyard is once again silent before each wolf kneels before me, putting a fist over their heart and bowing their heads to me. I stare at the large crowd, in awe at their undying loyalty. They trust me wholeheartedly, ready to put their lives in the palm of my hand

As I look out at them, I feel a new presence in my mind.

"Come to me, Winnie.", Mother Mene whispers. "There is much to discuss."

Before I have a chance to react, a blinding pain rips through my head and black fills my vision as I'm torn from this world and snatched across the veil.

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