Chapter 3

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I was put in Slytherin. And quickly I learned Gryffindor's were assholes. Ravenclaw's and Hufflepuffs are usually neutral. But Gryffindor's go out of their way to antagonize and persecute Slytherins. Obviously we don't take it sitting down. But it was annoying.

I watched my brother in the great hall and hallways. He was annoying. I would have to let my grandparents know. He was constantly getting in verbal spars with those around him. He would loose his temper and attack people. And he had absolutely no decorum. It was embarrassing. I was glad I wasn't associated with him.

Some thought he was arrogant. I didn't know if that was it. But he had a ridged world view. A completly muggle world view. He saw no value in traditions, beliefs, or family. Purebloods were the enemy. My grandparents would be appalled. Absolutely appalled. My parents didn't hate muggleborn's, but I suspected they didn't completely approve of my father's choice of wives either. They strongly encouraged me to marry a pureblood if possible. Or a half blood if I must. Someone who knew what being a wizard actually meant. Not a muggle with magic. And from the little I heard. My mother was very muggle. My parents hadn't even celebrated wizarding holidays. Something my grandparents were horrified by. Mother Magic was sacred.

My closest friends were Iris Newcomb and Gabriel Cocksworth. Both purebloods in Slytherin with me. Iris and Gabe were great. They were both quite smart and we drove each other to self improvement. We would study and do homework together, but we also completed in our grades. And quickly were some of the top students in our class. Still, after dinner we always went outside and had some fun. I demanded we have a little time to unwind every day. I would not give up my childhood for good grades. A balance was needed.

I was disappointed that I wasn't able to relax as much as I hoped. But learning magic and spells was important. And Hogwarts was a top tier school. I would not sacrifice my education for anything. I wanted to succeed and make a name for myself in the future. And I could only do that with hard work.

Classes were easy after learning Latin. I was fluent in the language by now. And knowing the pronunciation and understanding what I was saying made spells very easy. I just needed to harness my magic and get the right wand movement. It usually only took a few tries. Then I just needed to know the history and theory behind each spell.

I walked with Iris and Gabe to the lake. I smiled as we got closer. I didn't know how to swim, but I loved the calm feel to the place. It was spring and the year was almost over. I was worried about the petrifications happening. Thankfully nobody I knew was involved. A lot of people worried about it, the atmosphere in the school was tense. While I knew I should be more worried about it, I really wasn't. The teachers had assured us they would fix everyone up. And they were working hard to find the culprit. It was embarrassing that my brother was the prime suspect, but I had no doubt he would get out of trouble. And he seemed rather determined to prove his innocents, so I hoped he wasn't guilty. I watched him sometimes, and he was rather suspicious sometimes. Sneaking around, attacking a few slytherins, breaking into our commons room. None of it as subtle as he thought it was.

Greg Goyle and Vincent Crabbe almost never talked and had perfect Pureblood etiquette. Let's just say, it was obvious when Harry and Ron pretended to be them. They slouched, and spoke in common English. They could not blend in if they tried. Everyone rolled their eyes at them. Harry even tried to push his nonexistent glasses up a few times. No, they were not sly at all. We all laughed at them when they left. I was just thankful nobody knew my connection to Harry. Dear Godric, I would have crawled in a hole and died.

I at down cross legged and threw a few pebbles in the lake. Iris and Gabe sat on either side on me. I smiled at the Octopus threw the pebbles back. "Heather, why won't you tell us about your family?" Gabriel asked.

I sighed. "Gabe, I am afraid my secret will get out. And it could be dangerous. My grandparents have always told me to hide my family name."

Iris sighed. "What if we swear on our magic, then will you tell us?"

I furrowed my brow. "I suppose. You won't look at me different right?" I confirmed.

We had gotten very close, I doubt they would care. Even if their families were death eaters. I wasn't the chosen one. And I stayed out of political debate. I honestly had no opinion one way or another. I was declared neutral.

After they swore to keep my secret I lay down and stared at the clouds. "My name is Heather Potter. The forgotten little sister of Harry Potter. Nobody knows who I am, not even my brother."

They gasped. "Nobody knows?" Iris exclaimed.

I put my hands behind my head. "Nobody. I was abandoned at my family's house, and raised by house elves and my grandparents portraits. I was four months old when my parents died."

They looked at me closely. Gabe nodded, "I see it. You have your brother's hair and green eyes. Although you are far prettier than he ever has been."

I laughed. "Thanks. He's kind of a walking disaster. I'm happy that nobody sees the resemblance. I would be embarrassed constantly if people knew. Not to mention half the country would likely want me dead."

After a few beats of silents it got awkward so I sat up and nudged Iris. "You're it!" I yelled and jumped up quickly, running off.

Soon we were running around laughing and chasing each other. It was nice to see they didn't judge me for being a Potter. I was still Heather Braithewaite to them. Half blood Slytherin.

Heather Potter- the girl who was left behindWhere stories live. Discover now