Chapter 20

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It was just after Yule when Harry Potter finally decided to show up to the Wizengamet as Lord Black. He looked disheveled and rather messy. I just silently scoffed and turned to Neville. He looked over and sighed. "Even when he shows up, he shows a complete disregard for the seriousness of his responsibility."

I gave a small smile. "It's rather disappointing. I know our grandparents will be rather appalled. They had hoped he would step up and be a proper Potter heir. Yet, they still trained me just in case they didn't approve. They are quite thankful for that foresight. My grandparents have been suggesting we disown him, and he can just be Harry Black. The more they learn about him, the less they want him associated with the name Potter. Brash, emotionally unstable, intentionally ignorant, and irresponsible. As a kid that is considered acceptable. But as an adult that is just an embarrassment."

Neville looked at him and sighed again. "I can understand. I think most purebloods would. Look at the way everyone is looking at him."

I looked around. Sure enough over half of the wizengamet representatives were sneering at him or looking at him in hidden disdain. "He sure isn't making any friends, is he?" I said passively.

Neville sat down on one side of me while Lady Zabini sat on the other. Neville had moved to the natural party after the far light and muggleborn began causing dissension. He and many other light families wanted nothing to do with the moment. And didn't want to be mistaken for supporting it.

Harry Potter looked around and sat next to Zack McMillan. Another far right supporter. Clearly they had talked. Maybe Zack had gave him the information needed to be here. As McMillan seemed to be the only person not surprised to see him.

I chuckled quietly. "The Black Ancestors would be rolling in their graves if they knew their family was a Light family now."

Neville burst out laughing. "Yes. Quite."

Lady Zabini chuckled quietly next to me.

There was nothing of huge importance today. We were just going over Hogwarts and other smaller schools class curriculum. Most agreed we needed to add things on wizard society. The far Light fought everything we suggested. It was annoying that Harry was the loudest in opposition.

When he again started calling family magic dark and railed against any witch or wizard who used it. I stood up. "Our ancestors have been asking me to do this for months. I have resisted because I did not want the wizarding world to use this as more fuel for your alt-light campaign. But at this point it is clear that you are only damaging the Potter name. I, Heather Euphemia Crabbe neí Potter. Lady of The house of Crabbe, Braithewaite and Potter. Do now renounce you Harry James Potter. And in doing so revoke any right you have as a Potter. I sever any ties including inheritance or name. You will no longer be known as a Potter. You are disowned. So I say it, so mote it be." I looked at him not even hiding my sadness.

I sat down as the place sat in awkward silence. Then Harry (now) Black stood up and began screaming about how names were irrelevant and he didn't need to be associated with me or my family. I sat stone faced as his face got red and he spit out his words in a rage. I wasn't quite sure why he was so mad about it. He clearly saw no value in family. His knuckles were white as he clutched his wand like he was ready to attack. Everyone watched him wearily. Although we all let him throw a tantrum.

I looked over at the reporters and sighed. They would have a field day with this. And Harry would not come out looking good. Which he would no doubt blame me for. He did this to himself by never thinking before he talked. And letting his anger rule his life. It was rather pathetic.

I turned to Neville quietly and asked quite seriously, "he seems quite emotionally unstable. Do you think he might be suspectable to the Black Madness as Lord Black?" As Lord Black, he had access to Black family Magic. And their magic was known to cause madness in the weaker constitution. It was a known fact.

Neville shook his head. "Maybe. But he has always been of questionable emotional health. The Black family magic probably doesn't help though. It was wise to cut him loose. Even if Lord Black does try to make you out as the villian to his followers.

I think the entire room was thinking the same thing. A war was inevitable. Luckily while Harry Black was quite powerful, noether he or his supporters knew enough about magic to make a huge dent against the whole of the wizard community.

I nodded. "I did notice his uncontrollable temper even in school. He and his closest friends were always causing drama with the Slytherins and calling us evil. Sometimes even physically attacking."

Neville gave me a simpathetic look and nodded. "yes, and it hasn't improved. Now he's an auror and feels like he has authority over everyone. The power has begun to go to his head."

I sighed in frustration and nodded.

He rested his hand on my knee and squeezed it as a show of support. "It will all work out."

I nodded. "He's a powerful wizard. I do not relish a war against him. I am also a powerful witch, our blood is the same after all. But, I do not wish to bring danger down on my family. I am thankful that Greg doesn't leave my property. I have no doubt he would try to hurt him. He seems to be loosing his moral compass. Something we always have him accolades for. His instability will only lead down a dark path."

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