Chapter 10

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It went quiet. And everyone hoped it was over, then a message was passed to all of us. "Bring me Harry Potter and the rest of you can live."

My heart dropped. The light was losing. Not there I was surprised. I knew that the Dar Lord had hundreds of follows. The light had a small band of rebels and a bunch of children and teachers fighting for it. We all knew it was a lost cause. Still many of us hoped for a semblance of normal.

The older students began helping younger kids study and told stories, we just wanted the children to get the minds off of the battle raging around them.

The next couple hours were as stressful as the last. It was well last midnight when it all became silent again. Most of the younger kids had fallen asleep in clusters around the Commons room. After a long silence. Greg came back in covered in soot. I jumped up and ran to him. "what happened, where's Vincent. Please tell me he's okay."

The look of utter devastation told me everything I needed to know. I broke down in sobs. "no! He has to be okay!"

Ever the strong silent type Greg didn't say a word, he just hugged me tight as I sobbed.

He took me too his bedroom and I clung to him as we grieved.

I woke up to Greg loving me. I fell into his arms. And afterwards I cried again. It would never be the same again. "I'm going to marry you. Vince would have wanted that."

I nodded. "he would. I don't know what I would do without you. I love you Greg." I said clinging to him.

I looked down at the ring Vincent had given me. It had a large pearl in the center with aquamarine gems in a flower shape on each side. I suspected it was a family heirloom. But he didn't say one way or another. Still, it was beautiful.

And I knew it didn't bring him back, but I would always wear it as a reminder of him

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And I knew it didn't bring him back, but I would always wear it as a reminder of him. My ring, and my child, and all our pictures together would be all I had left of him.

I looked at Greg with puffy red eyes. "I would really like to marry you. But we will have to wait a year out of respect for Vincent. Still, I want you to move in with me once we leave here."

He nodded and pulled me into his arms and hugged me tight. I relaxed, feeling safe in his arms.

I kissed his lips softly and he slowly made love to me, showing me how much I meant to him. I clung to him as he slowly thrust inside me. I wrapped my legs around him and arched my back as I dug my nails into him, pulling him closer still. I needed to feel him inside me, loving me. I needed to know I wasn't alone.

After we lay together I looked up. "is it safe to leave? Did the dark Lord win?" I asked softly.

He shook his head. "No, the Dark Lord lost. I don't even know how Your bother did it. The idiot seriously killed the Dark Lord with Expelleramus. Expelleramus! What kind of dark Lord dies from such a weak spell. You learn that in your first year. A First year could have killed him Heather!" He said angrily.

My eyes widened. "no. That's impossible."

He shook his head. "no, I saw the whole thing. Draco through your brother his wand after he came back from the dead again. Then the Dark Lord and Potter fought. Potter Cast an expelleramus at the same time the Dark Lord cast the kill curse. The two spells clashed and the dark lord lost his wand, and the kill curse backfired somehow. He basically killed himself. Again. He died twice from his own kill curse."

I shook my head in disbelief. "You would think he would just know better than to cast the kill curse on Potter." I sighed. "Especially if he had just came back alive after dying earlier from the same curse. Clearly the kill curse doesn't kill him for some reason."

Greg shook his head. "Obviously. Even I would have used something else. And I'm definitely not the smartest man around."

I gave a small smile. "You might not be, but you are the best man around."

I really didn't want to know, but I had the ask. "What happened to Vince?"

He looked down at his hands. "We followed the golden trio to that secret room on the seventh floor. They were looking for something. Draco went to them demanding his wand back. Potter stole it during spring break. When Potter said he didn't have it, and refused to give it back, we started casting spells at them. Vince used Fiendfyre and set the entire place ablaze. We all ran. But got stranded. The golden trio found some brooms and flew out. They even tried to save us. They were able to get me and Draco on their brooms, but it was too late for Vincent. Potter saved our lives as much as I hate admitting it. I likely owe him a life debt." He sighed.

I nodded. "So, Vincent accidentally killed himself. That doesn't make it any better, does it. I am glad my brother tried to save all of you. But Vince is still gone. My baby will never know their other father. I just thank mother magic that you will still be there as his father figure. I couldn't do this without you."

He sighed and surrounded me with his arms. I rested my head on his chest and sighed. This would be very hard.

Heather Potter- the girl who was left behindWhere stories live. Discover now