Chapter 18

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Neville began coming over more and more often. It was nice to have a regular visitor. Unfortunately Iris and Gabe moved on with their lives. They were both going to Drumstrang this year. And I didn't really expect them to return to England any time soon. They didn't feel the same about being here after the war. Many Slytherins felt this way unfortunately. In the last six months we had been slowly drifting apart.

In the last couple months it became expected that Neville would come over. And while most might use that information to make sure they were dressed, I used that information to make sure I was as undressed as possible, without being naked.

Greg knew this, he wasn't a fool. So most Saturdays he would conveniently be at his mother's house for his weekly visits. So, on Saturday Neville would visit me alone, and I purposely wore very risque clothes. I will admit I was trying to seduce him. I wanted another triad. On Sunday, I wore the same lack of clothes. And in this, Neville never thought anything of it. It was what I wore. And it was. I liked showing off my body.

I grinned at Neville. "You know you are always welcome. I admit, we enjoy your visits a lot. We even have a spare room if you end up needing to stay over all weekend. But we would be honored if you wished to visit us during the week as well."

He nodded as he lazily scan over my rather exposed body. "And what of my gran?" He asked. "I still need to make sure she is doing okay."

I nodded. "Yes, but you need not see her every day. I know she can be rather oppressive. Seeing her once a week ought to be enough. The rest of your time could be with us." I suggested.

Greg sat next to me, he has just gotten home from Goyle Estate. His hand began wandering over my exposed skin, and he ran a thumb over my underboob. My crop top barely covered my nipples. And he took full advantage of my near nakedness as he caressed my exposed body.

Neville's gulped and nodded. "I could probably do that." He choked out.

I grinned and walked upstairs when I heard Eros begin to fuss. It was ten o'clock, and I knew this would be the last time he awoke before he slept through the night.

I listened to Greg and Neville while I rocked in a chair listening to the two talk.

Greg spoke up. "Heather misses being penetrated by two men. I think she misses even more, being in a triad. She would not turn down an opportunity to having two lovers. But she wishes even more to have all three of us united in one relationship. She won't say so of course, but I know by the way she looks at you, at both of us. Just think about it. The choices comes down to this. You and her start a sexual relationship. Just like me and her already have.
You, her and I start a sexual relationship together. We would all have sex with each other. But I must warn you, we would never have sex together when she is with us. She is a needy lover, and she insists on being the center of attention at all times. We would just have sex together when she is busy.
Or, you can continue to come here and resist her advances. But why torture yourself, I know you want her."

I was always amazed when Greg spoke up. He didn't say much, but he always understood me. And sometimes I was surprised at how articulate he could be when he wanted.

Once I finished feeding Eros and walked down the stairs again.

I sat down on Greg's lap and smiled as his handed casually ran up and down my exposed thighs. I was only wearing panties and a crop top that left nothing to the imagination.

I looked up at him and kissed his jaw. "I love you Greg." I said softly.

He looked down, adoration was clear in his eyes, "I love you too Heather."

I grinned. "Do you want to have some desert with me. I could really go for some apple crumb and some tea." I said standing and sitting down next to Neville.

Neville was clearly looking me up and down in thought. Gryffindor's were always amusing, they didn't hide their thoughts at all. They wore their thoughts and emotions for everyone to see. Slytherins were much more careful and sneaky.

I ate in small bites. As I chatted with Neville. "So, how is Hogwarts? You haven't told me much in the last couple months."

He rubbed his hands on his thighs nervously. I loved making him nervous. "Good. I think the castle will be fully repaired before the start of next year."

I nodded. "Did you take your NEWTs already? I took mine before Eros was born. So did Greg. Although I had to call an Auror to escort him to the testing room. Quite bothersome."

Neville shook his head. "I didn't see a point. I knew I wanted to get into herbology, and the teach offered to take me as an apprentice."

I chuckled. "That's such a Gryffindor thing to do. Most of the time I wonder how you ended up in that house, then you settle on something as important as your future. Yes. Sprout is a spectacular herbologist. No harm taking her offer. However, there are other rather renown wizards in British who would also be begging to have you. Why not get the best pay and best master, as they compete for your attention? You said yourself, you aren't positive you want to teach. You could end up teaching if you chose, no matter who the master is. But you are virtually committed to teaching if you apprentice under Sprout. Why not take your NEWTs, prove yourself, apprentice under one of the best Masters in the country. And find what really ignites your passion. Potion ingredients, magical gardens, teaching or something else entirely. With your talent, the world is wide open with possibilities for you."

Neville froze as he listened to me. "Wow. I never... You're are right. I will take my NEWTs immediately. I enjoy working with Madam Sprout. But it would be foolish to put all my faith in one option. If I could apprentice with someone like Master Dupont, it would be a dream come true."

I nodded. "I only know about Dupont in passing. But the fact I have heard about him at all says something I would suppose. I heard he was getting up in years. He hasn't taken anyone as an apprentice in a couple decades. But if anyone has the potential to catch his eyes, it is you."

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