Chapter 14

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Thing were chaotic. I had a brand new baby. I was planning a wedding with Greg. The wizard world was rebuilding. And as Lady Potter, Crabbe, and Braithewaite. I was required to show up for the wizengamet every couple weeks. Sometimes more often during the trials.

Thankfully Greg was always very happy to want the baby. He was surprisingly good with the baby. I knew he was a doting, loving person. That was what I liked about him. But he had never been around babies before either. We were both flying by the seat of our pants. Still, he was a natural.

I often just cuddled with Greg and my baby during the day. When I had to go to the Wizengamet, I always knew he would give my baby (our baby) all the love and attention he needed.

I walked in with my hideous Wizengamet robes as we convened for another trial. I hated these. This one was for Barty Crouch Jr. I didn't know why we were having another trial for him, he was an escaped convict. Still, we were making sure that everyone had due process.

I sat in the neutal section. I was Lady of three houses. One light family- Potter, one Neutral family- Braithewaite, and one dark family Crabbe. Opal Crabbe, Vincent's mother didn't care at all about politics and was happy to leave the country. She visited Eros from time to time. But usually only stayed a day or two before she left again. Honestly, I didn't think she really liked me, and I was more than okay with never seeing her. But she was Eros' grandmother and I would never deny him his family.

I sat down next to Vivian Zabini. She was Lady of many houses as well. And I knew that Blaise would soon be Lord of just as many houses. Once she determined he was mature enough to take over the family estate.  Both of us were rather wealthy woman. And widows. Me once. Her... A few dozen times. I wasn't going to ask. Nor was anyone else. Some suggested she was cursed. Others said she killed all of them. Some said she was a seer and married men who were going to die. I didn't know. But it would be rude to assume she wasn't grieving their losses. I still grieved Vincent. Even if I was engaged again. We both missed Vincent dearly. Our relationship felt a little empty without him. I loved Greg and I knew we would be happy together. But we would have been more happy if all of us were together still.

I smiled politely. "Lady Zabini. It's always a pleasure."

She smiled politely back, "yes, a pleasure."

After spending an hour on this pointless trial before giving him the kiss. we saw to a few more lesser named death eaters. They were virtually nobodies. And while they went to a couple raids, they had almost no impact in the grand scale of things. Most got probation or five years in Azkaban. Their biggest crime was having the mark. They might have killed people, but even they didn't know. They fought for their life like everyone else. While the light wanted all death eaters to see life in prison or the kiss. Most neutal or dark families were much more lenient. We just wanted the war to be over. I think the light families were angry that more death eaters weren't seeing what they saw as justice. But as the widow of a death eater, and fiance of another. I was not nearly as dogmatic. Neither were many others. It was war. It was kill or be killed. It was a clash of ideologies. One side want good and the other evil. Maybe the Dark Lord was evil. But the people fighting were fighting for family, and our traditions and way of life. Nobody wanted to talk about that. And I didn't think the light even understood what the dark was fighting for. They considered all purebloods evil. And that just wasn't the case. Luckily most of the people in the wizengamet were purebloods and they understood the beliefs on both sides. Even if common people did not.

I walked out with my head held high. "Lady Crabbe. You represent the house of Potter. How can you stand by and support these death eaters when your own brother is raging against them?"

I smiled politely. "I think people forget that their are honorable people on both sides of the war. And that is what it was, war. In war, people, good people, die. Yes, The Dark Lord Voldemort was evil. We know this now. But, most people when they joined didn't join just to kill muggles and muggleborn. The Dark faction fought because Muggleborns and Some light families had begun stripping away the rights of dark and neutral families. They began calling olde family magic evil and dark. Even when there was no proof it. They villainized our old traditions and cast out our wizard holidays. They rejected Lady Magic. And refused to praise her for her blessing upon us. In doing so they are rejecting magic Herself. All this is reprehensible.

Then they are forcing us to woriship a Christian muggle god and Christian holidays. A religion that has presicuted and called for our murders. Those who worship witchctsft are called to be exicuted in this Christian religion. Yet the muggles demand we celebrate Christmas instead of yule. In this religion we are seen as demons and possessed. Why are we allowing Muggle raised witches and wizards to dictate how we worship, how we make laws, how we live our lives. If muggle born and muggle raised want to live as wizards, they should accept everything that comes with being a wizards. That includes our beliefs, traditional and customs.

Until muggleborn and muggle raised can accept everything that comes with our community, there will always be war, anger And strife. Purebloods and traditionalist will always reject muggleborns. Not for their blood. Although there are purest who belief that. But for their ignorance and arrogance.

I voted on the beliefs of the Potter Forefathers. We are a light family. But we also believe in Strong family and tradition. I was raised with the understanding that while muggleborn's aren't evil, they have no understanding on what it truly means to be a wizard. I was encouraged to find a wizard who would understand our way of life. My bother however was raised by muggles. He is completely muggle raised and has no respect for the beliefs the Potter family stood for. When he first met his grandmother Euphemia and grandfather Fleamont's portraits. A highly respected wizard in our community. He screamed at them and tried to blast them off the wall. He has no respect for our founders, our family history or traditions. He villainized everyone who isn't light and a muggle with magic. If you are Pureblood and Hold on to wizarding beliefs he thinks you are evil. Every one of you. He attacked and screamed at me, his own sister, his only blood relative in the wizard world. Blood means nothing to him. Family means nothing to him. The Potter legacy means nothing to him. He only wishes to shove his muggle ways down our throat.

He may have fought for us and saved us from a tirant, but he does not understand our way of life. Our beliefs or our family values.

After this bloody war, we are in danger of going too far the other direction and forget our own values, like some followers in Voldemort's camp did. Don't blindly follow any leader. Think and ponder before making any decisions. Use your own knowledge and reasoning. Thank you." I said with a nod.

After taking a few more questions I walked away. I felt good about the message I left.

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