Chapter 9

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The day arrived. Harry Potter was back in school. And the war was about to break out.

This was the day I dreaded. and to make matters worse, I was stuck right in the middle of it.

The school was called to assembly, and Headmaster Snape announced that Harry Potter has been sighted in Hogmeade. Now, why my brother didn't bother to hide his appearance as he walked through the town is beyond me. He had to know the whole world was looking for him. It was almost like he wanted the war to break at in the middle of hundreds of children. I couldn't help but he annoyed at how thoughtless he was. He was going to get everyone killed.

I was thankful they would get everyone out. At least everyone who didn't want to fight. Sure, the entire house of Gryffindor would likely fight and die, but I didn't really like them, and I didn't know them either.

Still I was panicked, as was most of the school.

And why did he reveal himself in the middle of assembly? It only added to my belief that he was hoping that the war would break out around all these children. In that moment, I think I actually hated him. He couldn't not have been more thoughtless if he tried.

Then after revealing himself, he and his friends ran off to find something. Why weren't they doing that in the first place? None of this made any sense. It seemed like it would have been easiest to search the school while we were all assembled. Nobody would have been around for them to catch them. Nope. First announce themselves, then run off. Was this some sort of game to them? People's lives were in the balance!!

I teared up as chaos broke out. Greg and Vincent sandwiched me in between them. And I sighed and they tried to comfort me. "Please don't die." I whispered. "What ever you do. I need you to live through this. I need you two."

They hugged and kissed me as I cried.

Soon we were swept away, into our commons room. I stayed with the smaller kids trying to comfort them as Draco, Theo, Greg and Vincent all left to join the fight.

Me and the other older students tried to calm the younger kids down, but many had family members fighting. And even if they didn't, we all knew this would be a life changing event. This could change everything. And for the better of some. But worse of others. Most of us knew that the world would be better without the dark Lord. You had to be daft not to know this. The school had been essentially a torturous prison. A nightmare. Even for us. But, we also knew, if the Dark Lord lost, we would loose many people we cared about. Parents, cousins, aunts, uncles.... My husband and lover. They would be fugitives if the light won. Well, unless they could get out of it like their parents did. We could only hope that we didn't loose everyone we cared about.

There were a lot of good people who would die today. On both sides no doubt.

The kids all huddled together as the castle shook and explosions could be heard in the distance. "Salazar, it sounds like the whole schools going to come down!" One of the fifth years exclaimed.

I glared at the stupid kid. "Shut up. We are trying to keep the younger kids calm, not make them more afraid. For fucks sake."

I pulled a couple kids closer as they cried.

One of the little girls looked up at me, her eyes red. Her brown hair in cute little pig tails. "Are you pregnant?"

I grinned. "I am. Hopefully the war will be done for good before they are born."

She gave a small smile. "My little brother was born right before school started. He was very cute. But he cried a lot."

I chuckled quietly, trying to break some of the tension around the room. "Yes, I hear babies do cry a lot. Although, I have never been around babies, so I don't know first hand. Really I know nothing about babies. I'm really just crossing my fingers and hoping for the best."

The girl looked confused. "Can't your mom help you?"

I gave a sad smile. "Sweetie. My mom's dead. All of my family is died. I will have to rely on the house elves helping me. They are who raised me."

Her eyes got big. "You were raised by house elves. Alone!"

I nodded. "House elves and my grandparents portraits. That's it. When my family died, nobody even knew I was born. I didn't have God parents. The ministry officials never found me. Nobody knew I was alive. So I was left alone. Completely abandoned."

A number of kids gasped. "You don't have any family?!"

I shrugged. "Nobody I know. I do have an older brother, but he doesn't know about me.  He was too young to remember me when he was taken away. And honestly, when I met him, I wasn't overly impressed. A nice guy, when you aren't Slytherin. But, he just sees me and all of you as the enemy."

A younger boy nodded. "Aww, a Gryffindor." He said sage like.

I smiled. "Yes. A Gryffindor. Quite unfortunate, that. At this point it seems pointless to even bother trying to get to know him. He would probably think I wanted something from him if I tried. You know, because Slytherins are evil and conniving, and only want to destroy everyone around us." I said sarcastically.

A few kids laughed.

"Yes. Why they don't emphasize that we are driven to succeed and just want improve ourselves and the oerld around us is beyond me. We are loyal. But it's the family and country. Not to friends and pet hypograffs." Pansy said snidely.

I chuckled. "True." Everyone knew the gryffindor's were fighting for the lives of House elves and Hypograffs. But would be happy to destroy country and any Slytherin they came across. They seemed to care more about insignificant magical creatures and ridiculous pet causes. More than the actual people around them. They claimed to be fighting for the people. But they only fought for a select few people. People who agreed with them. They claimed the high road. But, people died in both sides. People were dogmatic to their beliefs on both sides.  People saw the other side as the enemy and wanted them dead. Yes, I knew, and most around me knew that the Dark side was more evil. But both sides were evil. They both would destroy anyone that didn't believe exactly like they did. Torment, imprison, kill, remove in any way they could.

At some point the reason behind the fighting got lost, and all that was left was murderous anger. Sure some wanted to kill muggles and muggle borns. But honestly, the only connection we had to muggles, was the muggle born. And yes, muggle borns were annoying. They constantly complained about wizard traditions. But I didn't think most wanted them dead. Even my lovers didn't care one way or another about muggles and muggleborn. They just wanted to fight with their friends and families. Their families were loyal to the Dark cause, so they were.

Heather Potter- the girl who was left behindWhere stories live. Discover now