Chapter 16

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While the wizard world was repairing and healing the world around them. The far Light faction was getting more desperate and despondent. I was worried they may start another war soon. They were yelling and demanding they be heard and obeyed. It was concerning.

I went to the papers to air my concerns after another wizengamet session.

"Fellow Witches and Wizards. We have been hearing for the past couple months how the Far Light sees ghe world. They are demanding we listen and obey them.  Yet, they have no understanding of what they speak. They scream and yell about how we worship, the customs we follow, the traditions we seek. And it has alarmed all who listen.

I fear we will have another war against muggle raised and the rest of us, if we do not take action. I suggest we have classes in Hogwarts. I also suggest we give all muggle raised children books on our customs and beliefs at the age of ten. This gives them a year to become acquainted with our way of life. It is clear listening to the far Light that we have failed them.  We taught them a out magic, but we didn't teach them about who we are. We must do a better job bringing them into our society. Truly integrate them. They have been cut off and left uneducated in our ways. This is causing great discord. And I fear their anger and discontent will eventually cause them to lash out violently.

We read their interviews as laugh at their ignorance. But while their beliefs are ridiculous if you understand the history and nature behind things like house elves. They are very serious and they are getting far too angry about our inaction to their cause. We are still recovering from a deadly, painful war. Let us not fall into another one. We must educate the Muggle raised better. It may be too late for the ones who are already adults. But I would give a suggestion on some different books muggle raised might find interesting if they are not closed to learning about the subjects they so often preach to us about." I continued to list of a dozen books that would educate those who were ignorant, about the wizard world. Some were about etiquette, others about religions, and different customs. "And please tell Harry Potter and his friends that while they are still raging about treatment of magical beings, we in the Wizengamet have repealed and corrected many of the unfair laws about werewolves. Something he would know if he actually took his duty as head of the Black house seriously." I said scathingly. 

Neville Longbottom came behind me and rested a hand on my shoulder. "There is not reason to be so angry at your brother. I am sure, like everything else, he just has no idea the responsibility be has to the Black family, by being Lord of House Black."

I sighed. "I understand that, but they are so busy riling up the muggleborn wizards and causing dissension. While the rest of us look on in absolute amazement at how ignorant they are. They scream and cry about things they they could easily know was false if they just picked up a couple books. They act like they care about our world, but then Harry doesn't even show up at the Wizengamet, the one place he could legitimately get heard. The one place he could vote and make a difference. The Weasleys are the same way. They could come in and vote not only for the Weasley family, but for the Prewett as well. If they care so much about politics and the laws we write, why are they not doing the easiest thing they can to make their voice actually count. They could be a real voice for the far Light. It honestly just tells me that they have no real interest in changing laws and making changes that they find important. They are more interested in causing dissension and Anger. They are trying to destabilize the country and insight war. What other reason is there?" I asked, looking at Neville. He was always a level headed man.

He nodded and sighted. "I do not know. I stood by Harry Potter against Voldemort. And I believe that was a worthy cause. In fact most see me as a hero, nearly up there with the golden trio. But, it is now coming apparent that they were so busy fighting evil as children, that they see evil even where it is not. They see evil in every wizard belief, every religious practice, and every Pureblood custom. And you are right, this paranoia will lead us to another war. But you are also correct that this could easily have been prevented if we had just taken the time to properly educate muggle raised witches and wizards. All we can do is make changes to the Hogwarts curriculum. And suggest books, like you have, to the current adults who wish to know the origan and reasons behind what we do. For adults, ignorance is their responsibility to eradicate. They are old enough to educate themselves. Although I fear that gryffindor's would rather die than open a book" he said with a small chuckle.

I smirked at Neville. "There is that stigma. Hopefully, they can rise above their base instincts." Then I turned to the reporters. "Tell the gryffindor's to prove us wrong."

Neville chucked. "Good luck. I lived  in the Gryffindor dorms for seven years. Making them read and study was like forcing a healing potion down a babies throat. Nearly impossible."

I laughed as me and Neville walked off. "So when are you coming by again. Greg may bot admit it, but I am sure he enjoys having another man around from time to time."

Neville took my elbow and apparated us to Godric Hallow. "I will come by tomorrow after lunch, how does that sound?"

I nodded. "That would be great. It's been too long sense you have come by."

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