Chapter 11

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After a while people began coming to the Slytherin dorms some parent picked up their kids, the Aurors asked Greg some questions. But mostly we were completely on our own. Many kids had no parents to go home to. Like me, they were completely alone. Most of the death eaters were arrested. So even if they didn't die, they were still likely to be gone.

I held Greg's hand tight. "Will they take you to Azkaban?"

He sighed. "Maybe. I think just having the mark will get you some prison time. But I will hopefully be back out and by your side as soon as possible. They have no record of me attacking anyone. If fact, I ended up walking around saving a bunch of small Gryffindor who were too stupid to go to their dorms. I figured, after Potter saved me, the least I could do was protect a few stupid kids. I killed Greyback with the kill curse after he killed Brown. Always hated that fucker. But usually I just took their wand and bound them. Way easier, and I didn't want to kill my own people. But with our baby on the way, I just can't understand why grown adults would kill little kids. It's sick."

I nodded. I think this is the longest rant Greg has ever had. He clearly felt very strongly about this. "Ya, nobody should be killing kids. That's fucked up." I agreed.

He nodded with his jaw set. "Draco helped me too. We both walked around saving the little kids."

I smiled. "I'm proud of you. You did the right thing."

He nodded we got dressed and walked out. I needed to see the extent of the damage.
I was horrified to see the castle in ruins. There was blood and dead bodies everywhere.

I looked up at Greg and squeezed his hand. "Are your parents okay? What about Vincent's?"

He shook his head. "No, my dad died. So did Vincent's. Neither of our moms were involved."

I nodded. "Is Draco okay?"

He nodded. "Ya, he and his parents just walked away once the second part of the fight broke out. I imagine they are going to France."

I snorted. "Yes, most likely."

I looked up at Greg. "Think you can move in with me? I don't want to be alone any more."

He looked at me with soft eyes. "Yes. I know my mother is likely going to Greece, or France. She will want to get away from it all. I will live with you. You and the baby are my family. The last I have of Vince"

I gave a sad smile. "Yes. You two are my world. You and Vince. And this baby will need a dad. Let's go there now."

He nodded and apparated both of us to my housing community. We walked to the house and I stopped. The front door was wide open. "What the fuck,?!"

We cautiously walked in and looked around. It looked like squatters had tried to take over, garbage was everywhere in the receiving room. "Fancy?"

Fancy and two more elves came to me sobbing. "What's wrong?!" I ran to the horrified. These elves were like family to me.

"Heir Potter came and gave us Socks! Now we can no longer serve you!" They sobbed.

Oh I was livid. "He broke into my house, gave you all clothes and left the place looking like a garbage can. What kind of uncouth, plebian fool is he. And here I was relieved he didn't die. What the fuck!!?"

I knelt down. "we can re-bind into the Potter family if you want." I said softly.

They jumped excitedly and thanked me profusely. Godric, those stupid gryffindor's liked to mess with everything without an ounce of understanding behind their actions. They were infuriating.

"I, Heather Euphemia Crabbe, heir of the noble house of Braithewaite, here by Bind you, Fancy, Daffy and Lacey as Braithewaite house elves. May you serve me and my family well." I said softly.

They all squealed and began running around cleaning the house again. I shook my head. "So, now we know that Potter and his minions are slobs, and he apparently has no problem breaking into my house and firing my house elves. The audacity of him." I glared.

I stormed into the sitting room and sat down. "So, did you meet your grandson?" I said angerly.

They looked just as unhappy. "Well" my grandmother said, "we didn't meet him. He was far to self improvement for mere portraits. He only cared to meet his parents. We were apparently chopped liver. And then he had the audacity to get angry because you have pictures of you and your friends and husband around the house. Demanded I explain why Slytherins were all around the house. I turned and refused to say a word to that arrogant boy."

My grandfather nodded. "I gave him a few words about showing respect to elders, he and his friends just yelled at me and cast a blasting spell at us."

I gasped. "No! Why would they do that?"

I was horrified at my grandparents treatment.

I then began telling them about how I found my house in disarray and our house elves devastated. My grandparents insisted I collect the Potter family Lordship/ lady ship if you will. As soon as I was seventeen. I had planned to wait and give him time to claim it. Maybe even tell him about his inheritance. But no, not now. I would be Lady Potter. He clearly was not worthy of dignified enough to hold the title. Firing the house elves. And was he raised in a barn? Why would he trash the house. Clearly he needed a couple house elves because he didn't know how to take care of anything around him. I was furious. So we're grandmother and grandfather. Potter would not see a dime if I had my way.

Heather Potter- the girl who was left behindWhere stories live. Discover now