Chapter 30

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Claudia Longbottom was eleven. And the last of our kids were going to school. And we were sure she would be a Slytherin. She was a sneaky little shit. We had our hands full with her.

Julius Longbottom was fourteen and a Hufflepuff. This was not a surprise to anyone. He was almost as shy as Neville once was. And I always believed he should have been a Hufflepuff.

Adonis Potter (Peverell) was also fourteen and a Gryffindor. He was far too bold for his own good. Again, not a surprise.

Apollo Goyle (Braithewaite) was sixteen and a proud Ravenclaw. This did surprise us. With how bold he was I was sure he would be a Gryffindor. But he apparently valued intelligence and knowledge.

And Eros Crabbe (Slytherin) was twenty and a former Slytherin. He reminded me of my late husband a lot. Everyone said Eros looked like me. And said he was just like me. But while they were correct, he did look quite a bit like me, he was all his father in personality. He was ambitious and loyal to a fault. He was actually apprenticing to be a potion master. He was the first Potter in three generations to get back to his roots. Potter's used to be renown potion masters at one time. And he just seemed to understand potions in a way that I would never understand.

I was proud of my kids. And while I would miss my little devils, I was happy to have more time with my lovers. Greg was going from one property to the next fixing up the homes. He was great at charms and most home renovation was charm work. He started doing this last year, and now he would have the time he needed to dedicate his energy to that. We wanted each of our kids to inherit livable homes. And some of them just weren't livable.

Still, Greg was always home when Neville and I stumbled home after a long day of work.

Our lives were buys but we always made time for each other.

And really, I wouldn't want it any other way.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2023 ⏰

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