⌛ Twenty ⌛

921 54 8

Original timeline
(How things went before anyone used the time machine)

It was a Tuesday morning and Namjoon waited for his best friend at the coffee shop. After the party last weekend, they needed to talk. It was impossible for him not to feel nervous about all this. He couldn't believe he actually slept with the boy his friend spent years flirting with! But hiding it was not something he would do. Yoongi deserved the truth and he was gonna give it to him.

- Hey bro! Sorry, were you waiting too long?

- Hi, Yoongs. Come, I ordered for you already

- That better mean you're paying

- Sure. Don't worry about it.

- Perfect! So what's with the long face?

- Well, actually...Remember that party the other day?

- I left early with Lisa so I probably missed some of it. But sure. Why? Did someone throw up on your carpet again? I told you, you should let Jackson organize the parties so you don't have to clean the next day.

- Thankfully, no one was that dumb this time. But I have to confess I did something really stupid.

- You? Something stupid? That's not your style

From where he was sitting, Namjoon could see Jin was working that day. He tried to find the words while looking at him. Meanwhile, Jimin aproched their table with the order. The blond boy kept eye contact with Yoongi but neither of them said a word, as usual. When Jimin walked away, Yoongi kept his eyes on him, ignoring what his friend was finally telling him. A new melody for his music popped in his head and he had to write it. After all, Jimin was his main inspiration.

- Yoongs? Did you listen to me?

- Hmm? Oh, right! What were you saying? What stupid thing did you say you did?

- I...Yoongs, I slept with...well...the waiter

He said it in a whisper, a little uncomfortable to say the name knowing Jin was not that far. Following his first impulse, Yoongi grabbed him by the shirt ready to beat him up.

- I'm gonna kill you

- I was drunk! I promise, Yoongi! And besides, Jin was s-

- Jin? Oh...OH! You meant that waiter! Ha hahaha Bro, for a moment I thought you were playing around with my...

- ...Your what?

- Nothing

Namjoon turned around, following Yoongi's eyes. As soon as he saw Jimin, he smiled. Yoongi let his shirt go as Namjoon smirked.

- I see. Hobi owes me some bucks now. We had a bet on whether you were into that boy or not!

- You have no proof.

- You were about to beat the shit out of me because you thought I slept with him!

- Ugh, it was just a small warning! He's a good boy, I don't like the thought of others playing with him. Or kissing him. Or...nevermind.

- Mhm, you're digging your own grave. So...you're really okay about what I did?

- I just want to know one thing.

- I'm not gonna give details, bro. I'm a respectful man. But I will say, we have the same kinks and w-

- Not that, idiot! I just wanna know...are you in love with Jin?

- What?! No! Of course not!

- Oh, okay. Because you have to tell me about it if that's the case

- Yoongs, that boy is amazing, incredible, smart and has a waist to die for but it's not like I have feelings for him. It's not that deep, I swear!

- Okay...Then don't sleep with him again. I want a chance with him.

- You sure? I would say you want a chance with a short and blond stuttery boy

- That's different. That's exactly why I asked you that question. We shouldn't mess with things like that. I won't flirt with someone you love

- Well, no worries there. I guess I'll make sure not to flirt with Jimin then.

- ...Thanks.

Namjoon wasn't expecting that. And Yoongi seemed embarrassed to say it. He never liked admitting his feelings out loud. Not when he's been avoiding them for so long. After drinking their coffee, they both walked out feeling closer than they used to. Namjoon knows he'll have to talk to Jin about this but he has to wait for the other to text him first. That's what they agreed on even if he wanted to have the conversation earlier. Jimin picked up their table, finding a yellow note with part of a song on it. Walking back to the counter, he couldn't control his smile.

- G-God, he's such a dream...

- Who? Min? - Jin scoffed - Yeah, right. You need to improve your taste in men.

- Oh, don't s-say that! He's such a c-cute, handsome, sweet man~

- Please, stop.

- I'll ask h-him out one of these days!

- You always say that

- W-Well I'm getting r-ready! And what about y-you? Did you t-talk to Namjoon yet?

- We had a small conversation yesterday. He was worried about me and he was so lovely and... anyway. I'll text him as soon as my dad gives me my phone back.

- Y-You guys look so good together! I'm s-sure he'll be waiting for you!

Jin wanted to smile but his hurt lip was keeping him from it. Meanwhile, Jimin couldn't help to think about what asking Yoongi out would be like. Or at least talking to him on the phone. Things that never happened to him before. Things that his son would come back to fix...

Next Chapter

We just need Yoongi to apologize

You make me wanna kiss you so bad, Tae


Hi babes~ I hope this chapter wasn't confusing! Every now and then I need you to know what originally happened before the boys changed everything!

Next one is Taekook as you can see ❤️ So I hope to see you there soon~

- Baby Y

P.S: I've been all day listening to D-Day and my head is just Yoongi's singing voice on People Pt.2 on repeat 🥺

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