⌛ Fifty Four ⌛

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This will be a double update! Make sure you read the next one too!

Seokjin stares into the bathroom mirror. He wants to make sure he covered all the hickeys Namjoon left on him last time they met. Even though if it was up to him he would prefer to show them so they all know about it. Each passing day he's falling harder for him. He's the only one that makes Jin feel happy and loved even if the word "love" itself wasn't mentioned by any of them. Not yet at least.

- Seokjin, are you done?

- Going!

Today is finally the photoshoot his father was so anxious about. He opens the door but he can't walk out seeing the old man stand on his way with a frown on his face.

- Did you brush your teeth?

- Eh?...Uh...yes?

- Good. No one needs to know you keep throwing up.

The man walks away and Jin sighs. He probably thinks Jin's been doing that on purpose every morning just to lose some weight. But the truth is something else is making him do it naturally and he refuses to think about it much. They both walk out the house and head to the company ready to work. Jin enters the room where the same girl as last time gives him the clothes. And as soon as he puts them on he knows this is gonna go bad

- You gotta be fucking kidding me

- I... I'm sure I fixed it since last time! I don't understand, I really did!

It's not as tight as last time at all. At least he's not running out of air. But he will admit the pressure on his waist is pretty uncomfortable and it's not hard to notice this wasn't the idea. They both walk out of the room trying to pretend like it's not a big deal. And some of the people working on it don't notice anything strange. Especially the ones working on the background or fixing the lights. The photographer is the first one to make a comment.

- Didn't you say he was gonna wear something oversized? I thought we were looking for something more delicate

- Yes. We are.

Jin's father has a tone so cold that most people there prefer not to make another comment.

-I mean I can make it work, it's just that with something that tight his silhouette will look less delicate and more...sexy?

He's not really sure he should use that word considering the model is the boss's son. And Jin almost feels flattered thinking he looks good. Sadly, that's not what his father is thinking at all. The photoshoot is done in a very silent environment. You could hear a pencil drop on the next room if you payed enough attention. And Jin is half the time thinking about what's gonna come later. The other half he's just trying to fight the urge to take off that annoying belt on his waits.

When it's time to go, he sees his father talk to the girl from before. Each second he looks more and more angry. On the way home, he doesn't talk. None of them say a word. Jin prays for him to relax a little but the complete opposite happens. As soon as they cross their home's door, his father drags him go the bathroom.

- Wha-

- Weight yourself.

- I...Dad, I'm not-

- You heard my words. Weight. Your. Self.

Jin takes the scale and takes a deep breath before doing what he's told. And his eyes widen seeing the numbers. How is it possible? It's true he's been eating a little more than usual thanks to Namjoon but... something must be wrong.

- Dad...It must be broken!

- Liar. You embarrassed me in front of everyone.

The hate tainting his voice makes Jin take a step back. But there's no way out of there. In a second he's taken by the hair and dragged upstairs to the room. The man doesn't care if the boy gets hurt with every step he takes. If anything, it seems to be his gold.

- You went too far this time, Seokjin. It wasn't enough with being a slut, you had to be useless even for this. The one and only thing I ask from you and you can't even do that right

- Dad, please! They said it's gonna be okay! They'll edit the pictures later, dad... Please, you're hurting me

- I'M hurting you?! YOU are hurting ME. Everyone saw you there. They know the kind of useless idiot I have for a son. Why couldn't your mother done one thing right and give me a decent fucking child?

He lets him go only when they get to Jin's room. The boy feels the tears coming out non-stop. His body hurts from hitting against some of the staircase steps as he was dragged. He's waiting for that to get worse and get beaten up. But a different thing happens. His father takes Jin's cellphone and walks up to the window to lock the windows with his own key. It was one of those locks he put to avoid Jin escaping at night.

- Dad...

- Shut up. I hope you enjoyed whatever shit you've been eating because you won't have a single fucking meal until I say so.

When the door closes, Jin gets on the bed and wraps himself on the blanket. He's so tired. His head is killing him, his body hurts, his father's words... it's not surprise anymore to be hated by him. But he can notice how the punishments are getting worse by the day and that's what's scaring him. He tries to sleep so the time goes by faster. So he forgets that above all of that, he's feeling hungry. He had no breakfast or lunch as usual and who knows when he will eat again. For a few hours he manages to sleep. Until..

- Dad! Psst Da...Jin! Jin wake up!

The boy opens his eyes wondering if he was half dreaming when he heard the beginning of that sentence. Otherwise it wouldn't make any sense. He looks out the window where he can see the moon is out and a familiar face is showing a sympathetic smile.

- Tae? What are you doing here?

He tries to whisper the question as he gets near the window. How did Tae figure out so easily how to get up there? Either way he can't open. Well, Jin can't. But Tae on the other hand still has his own keys.

- How...How the hell did you get the keys to my window?

- No time to explain. He might be back and I brought you food

- You did? That's gr...wrong. I shouldn't have anything to eat, Tae.

- No need to listen to that piece of shit. I don't care about his orders, you're eating.

- How did you know it was his idea?

- I was at the company today. I heard the whole thing. Honestly, I followed you so I could ask you about it until I heard his stupid punishment. Is he always such a dick?

- Kind of. Most of the time he just...Uuh, nevermind

Tae sees the way in which his dad is avoiding his eyes. He seed the bruises on his arms. Suddenly, there's no need for words to understand what his usual punishments are.

- He hits you...

- Sometimes...Only if I fuck things up

- Son of a fucking bitch. I never liked him but I never thought...Ugh, he'll rot in hell one day.

- That's why you should go, Tae. If he sees you here, I'm fucked

- Okay. I'll leave for now. But here, take this. I bought enough food for tonight and tomorrow. I promise I'll bring more

- I...Thank you. Oh, wait. You can take this one with you

- Really? It's strawberries with cream! Like the breakfast you probably skipped again

- Thanks but I can't eat cream anymore. Just the smell of it it's been making me feel sick lately. And I'm already dealing with enough nausea in the morning to add this into the mix

Tae stares at him. He hates that his theory might be right. That this is the answer to how his father life changed dramatically.

- Jin...is there any chance you could be pregnant?

The next chapter is up right now~ 👇🏼

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