⌛ Sixty One ⌛

591 41 4

Jin spreads a blanket on the treehouse floor. Getting as comfortable as possible, he hears someone climbing up there with him. The only person he can think of is Jimin. He's the one with whom he shared this place with. Unless he counts...

- Taehyung?

The young boy doesn't look as surprised as him. This is the same night in which the other Tae and the other Jungkook ended up drinking and kissing. Back then, they were celebrating the success of their mission. Not knowing the mistakes they made on the way. And according to Jungkook, that very same night they would avoid the treehouse since Jin was using it for some reason.

- Jin! I was totally not expecting to see you! What are you doing here?

- I was gonna sleep here...

- Really? Won't your dad get pissed you're not home?

 Tae can't help to get worried. He doesn't want that man to have any other violent reaction. However, he soon realizes it's too late for that. Jin has a small bruise near his jaw that will probably grow darker through the days. Turns out the man found his pregnancy test and gave his son an ultimatum.

- He gave me three options. The first one he named was getting an abortion. If I choose to keep it then I have to leave the house and never talk to him again. Or...

- Or?

- Or I can find someone to marry with as soon as possible so we can pretend like it was planned. My husband would take my place in the company and I would work at home for the baby. Pretending like that's what I always wanted. So there are no rumors about our family...

- Somehow that one sounds even more fucked up than I was expecting

- It's not a possible option to me anyway

- So then...what do you wanna choose? Would an abortion be a good option for you? I won't judge!

Tae swallows hard. No matter how much Kook insisted he shouldn't get in the way of this conversation, he wants to hear the answer. Jin looks out the little window and his voice sounds slightly ashamed.

- I thought about it. I think that could solve my problems for now

- Then-

- But I don't want to do it. When I saw the positive sign...I got scared and my mind went blank. But at the same time a part of me got...happy? Even if it was unexpected I felt happy

- Why? It's not that easy to have a child...

- Oh, believe me I know.  But for some reason I'm okay with that. Maybe because it's a consequence to something I don't regret at all. I was with someone I love and this was the result. I feel that if I could imagine a parallel universe where only a few changes happened...this would be the best news I ever received.

- What changes would make this better?

- I wouldn't depend on my father. And Namjoon...Namjoon would want the same as me.

Tae feels a slight relief. His father was more upset with the context than the pregnancy itself. Of course, it didn't help things to get better. If anything, it's the reason he's sleeping here. But maybe Tae could do something about that and about his other father.

- Does Namjoon know what you're going through?

- About the baby? I don't want him to know since I'm not even sure of what I'll do myself.

- And does he know what you go through at home?

- I usually cover most of my bruises with makeup. And honestly, he has just as many as me because he's clumsy as fuck. I never thought someone with such a high IQ could have so many accidents!

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