⌛Twenty Seven⌛

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Walking past Jin, Taehyung can hardly control his anger. He wasn't there to hear their discussion but experience tells him this has to be Namjoon's fault. Trying to keep calm at least until he gets an explanation, he enters Namjoon's place and immediately recognizes every gesture on his face. He grew up seeing him frown and talk in a cold voice so he can easily recognize the times when he's angry. And one of those times is now. The darkness in his eyes, the jaw going slightly forward and the way he keeps tapping his foot are all signals that Tae can interpret in a millisecond. Keeping a calm voice he asks him what happened. And since Namjoon considers him a friend, he tells him everything. Every detail of the conversation. Tae tries to answer calmly. He tries but...he fails

- How can you be such an idiot, Namjoon?

- Excuse me?

- "We're nothing and we never were"?! That's what you said?! After missing him all week, complaining and drinking and hanging out with others to forget about him?!

- What do you want me to say?! "I missed you baby, let's make out!"?

- Yes! Be honest! He finally shows up and you treat him like that?

- He started it! If he doesn't respect me then I won't respect him. He hurt me first so-

- So what? You'll hate him your whole life instead of talking about it?

Namjoon starts to wonder if Tae can read his mind or something. But that's not the case. The young boy simply knows how his father acts since the future showed it. Namjoon tries to explain how Jin's absence felt, ignoring his inability to deal with the situation. Tae calmly insists he and Jin should talk about it. But finally Namjoon lets out something that makes him snap.

- Oh, shut up Taehyung. You don't know how things affect me


- You-

- You're so resentful! One minimum error from anyone and you would hate them your whole life! It doesn't matter who they are. You are able to hate the person you love or even your own son. If people won't do what you want them to, you get angry and yell and spit out hate because that's all you know how to do. You have no idea how much your words hurt, how much it pains the rest to know you'll never forgive them. And you'll never know that because we would never do that to you, we would forgive if you only had the balls to say fucking "sorry".

Normally, Namjoon would ignore a speech like that or it would make him angrier. But there's something in his tone, in the tears streaming down his face, in those eyes...it feels like Tae knows him his whole life and it's begging him to change. Of course, he knows that's impossible. He never met him before this year. But maybe Tae has someone close to him that never received those words and now the boy finally exploded.

On his side, Tae's not expecting an answer. He wasn't really thinking in past Namjoon but in his future. The words he's been keeping to himself all these years came out of him as he failed in controlling them. Fully aware that he was overflowing with emotions and hurtful feelings, he walks out to the balcony to get some fresh air. There, his cheeks feel cold, probably because the tears made them wet.

Namjoon feels that horrible sensation in his stomach hearing the boy cry. He knows he's in a sensitive state. No one ever said things like that to him. Is he really that resentful? With a feeling of regret he never felt before, Namjoon walks out and stands by his side. Not making any eye contact, he talks in a soft tone to make clear this is not a fight anymore.

- I'm sorry. I don't know what happened in your life but...by the way you mentioned it, it sounds like those words were for someone else...

- Yes and no...My father is just like you. I hate him for it...

There's no real hate in his voice. Just a sad tone that makes Namjoon bite his lip looking for the right words.

- I don't know if this helps but...if you were my son, I would be very proud of you.

He was not expecting the immediate reaction of Tae but it happened either way. The hug Namjoon receives is so strong he's pretty sure Tae just broke him a rib. Still, he doesn't complain. It seems like he was waiting his whole life to hear those words. And Namjoon can't help to think how sad that is. Without realizing, he makes a mental note to make sure to let his future children know how much he'll love them.

- You really mean it?

- Uuuh, yeah

- You'd be proud even if I don't study the same thing as you?

- What the hell do I care about that? Do whatever makes you happy...you don't wanna be a cop or a lawyer, right? I don't really trust those guys

- I wanna be a painter...

His words come out shaky. Like he's saying some kind of sinful profession. But Namjoon doesn't see it that way. Not now at least.

- Really? That sounds awesome! You think you could paint the cover of my new mixtape? Or will your work be in a museum? Bro, I'll go see what you do whenever you invite me!

The hug gets even tighter and the tears come out again. Namjoon runs out of air but he's smiling. He never thought having a conversation like this after a fight would feel so good.

- Don't ever change...please

- I'll change, Tae. But for the better, okay?

- You'll talk to da..to Jin?

- Yes. I'm still pissed off but... I'll try to fix it and listen to him. You're right...I can't hate him forever or cut him off my life.

For the first time ever, Taehyung feels things are gonna work out. Little does he know, Jin might be needing more than just an apology...

Next Chapter

Are you ready for the show of your life, little magic?

I'm losing her and I'm losing myself as well


Hi babes~ I know there was no Taekook on this one but we had a father-son moment! Even though one of them took it as a friendship moment! Hahaha

Next one we'll see Yoonmin and you better pay attention to that chapter (? I'll see you soon~

- Baby Y


Yeah, right. I'm not leaving before we talk about Seven. What a MASTERPIECE. I've been singing it all fucking day! My favorite scene of the MV is at the laundry place (it has a name but I can't remember haha). It's just something about it, the song there and the acting and their cloooothes. My gender envy is through the roof I swear. I promise I'm not loving it because they're wet hahaha And the funeral made me laugh so hard, he's such a crackhead. I love our guggie so much 💕💕💕

 I love our guggie so much 💕💕💕

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(My new lockscreen btw ^)

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