⌛ Forty Five ⌛

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Jin never imagined his first time was gonna be on the back seat of his father's car with the man of his dreams. Their pants were off and it started with a heated kiss. It was obvious both of them couldn't hold it anymore and it all felt as passionate as ever. Namjoon's hands held Jin's waist until they traveled down inside his underwear. Meanwhile, the kiss stopped only for Namjoon's mouth to start marking his neck with soft love bites.

Seokjin knew that was gonna be a problem later but he didn't wanna stop. He was sure he was skilled enough to cover them with makeup tomorrow. When his shirt was off and Namjoon was marking his chest and using his hands to make him touch heaven, he finally says something other than a moan.

- Wait, Joonie

- Hm? You want me to slow down, babe? Or you prefer me to stop?

- Don't you dare stopping, I've been waiting for this for months

- Hot

- Just...I have a few bruises so please be careful...

Namjoon smiled softly and kissed him one more time. Jin couldn't believe how thas was making him feel. Even when the boy was biting him or marking his body in any way...it felt good. He's been scared of pain his entire life but for some reason this is a completely different sort of pain. He was not annoyed by the strong hold Namjoon had of his thighs, the fingers were gonna leave a mark but he loved it. He never thought something this rough could be done with so much care.

Namjoon made sure Jin agrees to everything, he made him feel comfortable, gave him a safety word and even allowed Jin to take control more than once. It's the best night of his life and when they finish Namjoon takes a while to pull away. He keeps kissing his face with care and giving him soft touches on his skin making sure nothing hurts. Jin's legs are shaking and he would love to fall asleep in this position. But the time keeps running and they have to pull away.

- Thank God this car isn't rented because we made a fucking mess

They stare at each other and laugh. Namjoon helps him get dressed and fixes his messy hair. Maybe he shouldn't have pulled it so hard but Jin kept asking for more and he couldn't say no. It's too obvious what they just did. And the image of Jin looking like such a sexy mess is playing with the other's heart.

- You need to go back, don't you?

Jin doesn't wanna look at the time. He'll get scared if he does and all he wants is to enjoy the moment.

- Yes...In a scale from 1 to 10, how obvious is it that I just broke all of my father's rules?

- Hahaha if you ask with that smile it doesn't sound like we did nothing wrong!

- Oh, it's the best decision I took in my life

He goes to the front seat as Namjoon wonders why he feels like staying there instead of going back to his own party.

- I don't wanna kick you out. Actually, I would ask you to stay but...

- My father's gonna kill me

- That's what I thought. I'll let you go for now but we'll talk about this tomorrow. And let me know when you get home, baby.

Namjoon winks at him before they have to say goodbye. Jin should've been home an hour ago but he has no regrets. He puts the music up and the windows down for most of the road back, enjoying every second of it. Of course, when he gets closer he needs to be more quiet. As soon as he parks the car he sends a text to Namjoon letting him know he got home safe. Immediately after, he makes sure to get rid of that chat so no one can find it.

When he sees Jimin is sad across the street, he goes to have a short conversation with him. His friend is still a priority in his life. Eventually he needs to go back home so he climbs up the trees until he can reach his own window. As soon as he enters, he takes off the shoes not to make any noise. He's about to make a signal to Jimin with his phone when he sees the reflection on the window. There's someone else in that room. And it can only be one person.

Scared for what's to come, he turns around. He would've preferred to see a complete stranger than his father. But there it was. With his arms crossed and a look filled with hate, he stands by the door.

- Had fun tonight, Seokjin?

- I...I was helping someone study for an exa-

- At this time? Do you think I'm stupid?

Jin can hear his own heartbeat going crazy. It's been a long time since he got in this sort of trouble. And right before he can come up with a new excuse, a text makes his phone sound.

- Give me that.

- It's noth-

- It wasn't a question, Seokjin. Cellphone. NOW.

Jin swallows hard handing it to him. At least he made sure not to add Namjoon as a contact. But the message is not the best for this situation.

- "Good night, hottie"?

- Must be the wrong number!

Jin has to avoid blushing hearing it and tries to get closer and take the phone back. But only a step away a hard slap across his face makes him lose his balance. After saving his son's phone in his pocket, he gets closer and grabs the boy by his face with little to no care at all. He then notices the hickeys on his neck and the way more marks are peeking from his shirt.

- You're fucking disgusting. I give you all the money you need and go around acting like a prostitute.

- I wasn't d...

He prefers not to end the phrase. He's scared his father ends up asking about Namjoon's name. If he wanted, he could destroy someone's life and he doesn't wanna get him in trouble. His father pulls his sleeves up and pulls out a belt from the drawer.

- If you wanted your ugly body to have marks I can fix that. At least with mines you'll learn what your place is.

Jin closes his eyes because he knows this is gonna hurt. And he gets reminded once more why he's so scared of pain...

Next Chapter

Ugh, I swear I'll never get used to this.

Honestly, I could die a virgin and I wouldn't mind.


Hi babes~ Here's part of my poor Jin and his backstory 😭 My baby deserves better 🥺 I hate his dad too here

Next time we'll see some Taekook ✨ so I'll see you soon for that!

- Baby Y

P.S: I wanna punch South Korea's military service on the face if it's possible. Jimin should never lose his hair. What will he do with his tic of pulling it backwards and fixing his bangs? It breaks me.

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