07: AMAL

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I don't remember much of us saying goodbye and leaving the hall. All I do remember vividly is talking to a man for most of the evening, saving his contact as soon as I got to the table and smiling like an idiot ever since.

Zayd Sa'ed Dantata. Who would have thought?

"Amal, I hope all is well."

I snap out of my bubble and face Mama who stares at me in worry. Beside her, Baba is doing the same. I know if I turn my head, I would find the very same expression on my brother's face. The car has stopped moving. I blink. "Oh, we're home."

That's all it takes for Mahmud to touch my forehead so he can feel my temperature. I slap his hand away. "I'm fine please."

"You certainly aren't acting like it. Are there any symptoms? Are you reacting to one of the drugs you were given?"

I shake my head. "I am not." I don't want to smile. I really don't. I smile anyways. "I just had a nice evening."

Mama and Baba are like twins, staring at me suspiciously. I want to keep this a little secret but I know they won't let me rest so I chose to tell them. My smile shouldn't have widened but it did. I'm that affected.

"I met a man tonight." I say. "And I liked him. In Shaa Allah I'll be meeting him during the week, before I leave for Stanford."

Let me tell you what happens next. Mama leaves the car first and Baba follows with Mahmud right behind. They literally pull me out and into the house. We don't even remove our shoes and I hope the woman that helps around the house weekly doesn't have too much to do when she comes in on Monday morning.

They push me into one of the single sofas and then they sit, doing everything quickly. When they're comfortable, Mama opens her mouth. "Go on, Amal. Muna ji. Kar ki bar ko wani detail." (We're listening. Do not leave out any detail).

I'm not supposed to smile but God...it's so hard to not do so. Let's not even talk about how warm my cheeks are. Wallahi I'm smitten and I'm not going to live this one down. The way Mahmud's eyes narrow is more than enough proof.

Baba looks mortified. "Amal Muhammad!"

I sigh, crossing my legs at my ankles because it's more comfortable in this moment. "Halima introduced me to Idris's fourth cousin. We all know him but I think I'm the only one in this house now who knows him on a somewhat personal basis."

"A popular figure." Mama states. "Toh, who is he?"

I don't hesitate in answering. "Zayd Sa'ed Dantata."

For a moment, all I'm met with is silence. Stunned silence, to be very exact. Surprisingly, Mahmud is the one who speaks first and not any of our parents. "Zayd Dantata? Architect Zayd Dantata?"

I nod. "Yep, the very one."

Mama blows out a breath. "Wow...That's – Wow."

I want to laugh but I don't. "Trust me, Mama, I felt the same way too. Halima said she wanted to introduce me to him and then to Idris since the both of us haven't met in person. She didn't let me know he was the one until we got there and well, he was nice to talk to. I even forgot we were on the dance floor until this woman pushed me. Zayd stopped me from falling though."

Mahmud doesn't look pleased. "Well, if he isn't the perfect gentleman...So what happened after that?"

"We got a table to sit and talk, which is why I didn't return until the time I did."

Baba speaks then. "And there we were thinking you were having fun on the dance floor."

I kick off my shoes as they start to hurt. "I was having fun until I met Zayd. Talking with him at the table was fun too."

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