Book 2: Being Mrs Dantata

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"I'm going to ask you a question, Zayd. I want you to be completely honest with me and with yourself too. Can you promise to do that?"

"I promise."


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Book two in the Dantata Series: a sequel to Architect and Mrs Dantata.

Hanan Sufyan is a foreign trained graduate posted to Abuja for the compulsory National Youth Service Corps (NYSC). On the day she's discharged from the orientation camp in Kubwa, she visits the well-known restaurant: Athena.

She has no idea the "friends" she's to meet are not going to show up. She also has no idea she would cross paths with Zayd Sa'ed Dantata and, eventually, his wife; Amal Muhammad-Dantata.

That unplanned - yet beautiful - meeting sets the ball rolling for the series of events that tangle them in more ways than one until they find themselves at crossroads where all the drawn lines have been blurred and the only way forward is together, not apart...

That unplanned meeting sets the ball rolling for the series of events that tangle them in more ways than one until they find themselves at crossroads where all the drawn lines have been blurred and the only way forward is together, not apart...

Coming soon....

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