50: ZAYD

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The baby boy in my arms stares at me with slightly narrowed eyes. It makes me smile and his eyes narrow even further. Since when did babies have trust issues?

I smile wider. "Hello, Nurudeen. Stop looking at me like that."

Surprisingly, he listens and his distrust is replaced with a happier expression, a smile lighting up his face. His eyes are very, very beautiful; big, round, bright. Exactly like Asma's. He's her exact copy but there are traits of Ahmed in him too.

As though he was summoned, Ahmed appears. He sighs tiredly. "Thank you so much, Zayd." He gently takes Nurudeen from me. "I hope I didn't discomfort you."

I shake my head. "Not at all." Longing claws in my chest as I stare at Nurudeen who stares right back. I push it down. "He's nice. I'm just not sure he trusts me very much."

Ahmed laughs. "He does. He wouldn't be calm if he didn't."

I look at Ahmed. "Are you leaving now?"

He nods. "Yep. I have to pick up Asma and then we'll head home. The last thing we want is Adeelah and Teslimah killing themselves."

The mental image makes me chuckle. I've never seen siblings who are polar opposites like his two daughters. While Teslimah's is calm, Adeelah is a fire cracker that's ready to pop at any time. She's quite stubborn too. We all know who she takes after and Asma always owns up.

"Well then," I tell him. "Drive safely."

"I will. Thank you, Zayd. I had fun."

"Well, we couldn't let the ladies have all the fun, right?"

He laughs and I catch a glimpse of myself. I can't get used to our resemblance no matter how much time passes. Mama even calls him her son from another universe. "True. We'll be here tomorrow In Shaa Allah."

"In Shaa Allah." I smile at the little boy who is still staring at me. "Goodnight, Nurudeen."

He smiles at me and it warms my heart. They're gone shortly after and I know I should go back in but I can't bring myself to do so. We're in my uncle's house, having a sort of bachelorette party while the women throw a bridal shower for Feenah. Today was her Sa Lalle and I don't think she's ever been more beautiful. Amal too.

I can no longer deny the fact that Feenah's not that small brat with the wrongest timing anymore. She's going to be Mrs Sa'ad now and she'll be living in Guzape, not so far from Hassan's house. It's in the same city, I know, but I'm really going to miss her. I don't think I'm going to tell her that though. She's already a spoiled brat as it is, even as a bride. It's all thanks to Mas'ood and Hajiya Muhibba. I won't call my grandmother out on her blatant favouritism but then again, you don't get a smaller version of yourself every day.


I turn to see Jafar make his way over. I return his small smile, putting my hands in my pockets. "Hey, Jafar. Has the party ended?"

He nods, stopping in front of me. "Yep. Those who aren't sleeping are starting to leave. Mas'ood was looking for you. He says he's not sleeping over and he wanted to know if you'll be going home too."

"I will be, just not right now. I'll leave before midnight."

"You good?"

I nod. "Yeah, I am. Everything's somewhat surreal but I'm good...Has Mukhtar gone?"

Jafar looks the other way. "He's leaving now." He smiles fondly. "He's head over heels for Feenah."

"Tell me about it." It's almost sickening to watch. "Everyone tells me I was way worse."

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