46: ZAYD

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We take it slow and this time everything feels different. It's genuine and I love every moment. I also allow her take the lead, stepping in only when she needs me to.

We start by turning the house upside down and packing up things we haven't used in a while and things we won't need anymore. It's crazy how so many things get forgotten because you don't use them. Clearing out our wardrobes and giving things out along with some furniture allows us breathe better and it's fun too because Amal ends up laughing a lot. Those moments are therapy in free form.

We get new clothes and I place a number of orders for new babanrigas and kaftans from Jean-Daniel and then suits from London and Italy. Amal's fashion style changes and it'll take some getting used to but I love how bold she's planning to be. We then get the furniture replaced and on the day we both work until late, the house gets deep cleaned with Stephanie's supervision. Everything gets put in its rightful place right after and Amal gets new turaren wuta which I could bask in for hours on end and not get tired.

The day she calls all her friends from Stanford, she ends up crying and I panic until she tells me she's fine. A lot had happened since they all last spoke and she came to realize through that phone call that some friendships didn't last forever. They were doing well without her and although they were apologetic, they couldn't be so close anymore. Unable to say anything, I simply held her. I'm grateful for the friends she now has. Allah knows best why things happen the way they do.

On the day of Asma's baby shower, Amal comes home laughing. While I'm still worried of the effect it might have on her, having her home laughing is beautiful.

"Zayd, Asma is going to have another girl!"

I can't help but smile back. "Really?"

She nods, hugging me. "Really! They're going to name her Adeelah. Adeelah Ahmed Shehu. I have a feeling she's going to be mischievous."

I pull back to look at her. "How do you feel?"

Her smile shrinks but it doesn't disappear. "I felt a bit sad. I guess that'll stay for a while, but I'm genuinely happy for Asma. I can't wait to meet little Adeelah and spoil her rotten. The girls and I are just praying that Asma slows down after this." She rolls her eyes. "Teslima is barely one and now she's going to have a baby sister."

That amazed me too. "In Shaa Allah she will." I peck her lips. "And I'm proud of you."

Her eyes light up and God, she's so beautiful. "You are?"

I nod. "I am...I love you, Mrs Dantata."

"Right back at you, Architect Dantata."

In mid-November, Amal's name comes out on the list of those going for a three week trip to Burkina Faso. She goes through a number of processes to get pulled out and although it's stressful, she gets what she wants. I'm glad. I don't want her travelling. Unfortunately for me, my proposed blueprint and drawn up contract with Prince Halim scale through and a trip to three countries get scheduled because the Spanish royal wants me to come with him to meet the contractors he'd like us to work with.

What's worse is Amal doesn't want to come with me.

I follow her into her room, tempted to stomp my feet like a child. "Amal, come on..."

"I don't feel mentally strong enough for that, Zayd. Besides, it'll be for like two weeks. You'll be back in no time."

"I don't like you so much right now."

She laughs. "I love you too."

On the last day of the month, Amal cuts her hair so it stops right above her shoulders (almost like a bob) and dyes the tips bright red. It's the first thing I notice when I get home and I don't know how to feel. On one hand, she looks more ethereal. On another hand, her hair! I am obsessed with the long hair!

Architect and Mrs DantataOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora