32: ZAYD

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I'm getting married today. I'm officially getting Amal as my wife today. God knows my heart is in my throat.

I do my best to appear calm throughout the usual routines; Tahajjud, Fajr, and then tea because Mama said we all had to take a cup once we finished praying. Aleem and Mas'ood are really asking for death with the way they keep shooting similar smiles in my direction, their eyes twinkling with mischief.

Baba slaps the back of their heads which brings a smile to my face. "Leave Sa'ed alone."

Of course Aleem would be dramatic about it. "Haba, Uncle Umar. We're not doing anything fah."

Jafar snorts. "Keep lying to yourself."

Jonathan steps into the kitchen, Hassan right behind him. It's still so unbelievable how I went from having one best friend to one and a half. Jonathan isn't fully there yet but he's really close. Mas'ood is there too so it's two and a half.

Hassan hands me my phone. "Amal called. The call ended before I could pick it up."

Mas'ood tries to laugh but he disguises it as a cough when I glare at him. I thank Hassan and unlock the phone, meeting a message from the woman I'm about to marry. Of course I smile. It's a natural reaction at this point.

Amal: Good morning! You better be awake. I'm actually really, really, really sleepy because these women kept me up until about 2:30AM but then again, we have a long day ahead so yeah. Call me when you get your phone, Sa'ed. I need to hear your voice this morning before I start getting ready.

I immediately call her and it rings for a bit before it's picked up. Unfortunately, it's not Amal and my eyes narrow at Feenah's laughter.

"Good morning, ya Zayd." She says it too sweetly. "Amal just stepped into the bathroom to wash her face. Should I give it to her?"

"That shouldn't be a question, Feenah."

She laughs again. "I feel like being wicked."

"Zafeenah Dantata."

"Yi hakuri!" She's definitely not sorry. "Amal! It's ya Zayd!"

There's movement and I hear a running tap go off before I hear her voice. "Sa'ed!"

Honestly, I'm surprised at how much of a heart I have left because she takes a bit of it every single time. The men in the living room, who I love and hate at the same time, are recording this very moment. I try to glare at them but it doesn't work.


I sigh. "Hi, sweetheart."

Hassan clears his throat. "Wahala for who does not have sweet –"

Jonathan pushes him away. "Instead of you to go and confess to Summayya, you'll be doing like who does not have sense."

We all burst out laughing at Hassan's expression. Over the line Amal chuckles. "I should have known you won't be alone."

"Mama made lime tea and she said we all had to have a cup after Fajr so we're in the living room. Most of us are done drinking our tea but no one wants to leave yet."

"God, I'll kill for some lime tea."

I really shouldn't be smiling this much. "I'll make some for you in Kano In Shaa Allah."

"I'll hold you to that!"

"You can...Why were you guys awake until early this morning?"

She sighs and there's a soft thud. "Don't ask me what just happened, please." She sighs again and I can't make out what she mutters briefly before she speaks up. "So, the girls decided to party. They popped champagne and everything. If Mama didn't come up to force all of us to sleep, I'm quite sure I'd be working on absolutely no sleep. I have dark circles now and I'm about to indulge in a large cup of coffee with extra sugar."

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