48: ZAYD

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The doctors say she collapsed because of shock. She's fine, according to them, but I can't bring myself to calm down. All I can think about is what would have happened had I not arrived. He forced himself on her and then ripped her skirt. Thank God for its inner lining. What if it had been worse?

When the hospital starts to feel suffocating, I take Amal home. She's still unconscious but at least the air is easier to breathe. I get her out of her clothes and tuck her in bed but I still can't bring myself to calm down. The image of her opening the office door before I could knock keeps replaying in my head; the fear on her face and the tears in her eyes.

I'm going to kill Emeka. He really deserves to die.

Although Catherine brought Amal's stuff from the parliament to the hospital, she still comes over to check in on her best friend. She brings Sunday too and I'm glad because I get the chance to ask him how we'll go about things should the management at ECOWAS do nothing about what happened. Amal did say Emeka was well-backed and connected. I'm not about to let that sleazy bastard use his connections to wiggle out of this.

"She'll have to come in and make an official report." Catherine tells me, wrapping her arms around herself. She's seen Amal and Sunday understood why he couldn't see her. "I've already opened the case even though the higher ups are trying to stop me but she needs to give the details."

"If we come in tomorrow, they better not tell her to return to work immediately. I'll lose it, I swear."

She gives me a small smile. "I know."

"They will take up the case," I need the assurance. "Right?"

Her silence is enough of an answer. A minute passes before she sighs. "Let's be optimistic, Zayd. It's time someone brought that man to order."

Sunday tells me that if they do nothing after Amal has given her official statement to the parliament, then we would press charges.

"There's a high chance it'll drag out for a little bit," He tells me. "Because I know he won't just want to go down without a fight but we'll do our best to ensure it all works out in our favour."

I'm tempted to tell Amal to leave the parliament but I know I can't do that. She worked hard for that job and apart from the idiot we're currently dealing with, she really loves working there. Asking her to leave will break her. Then again, this event is going to break her too.

I get angry again. Emeka really needs to die. He's a perfect example as to why no one trusts men, especially women. I'm not saying him going after every other woman is right but why on earth would he go after Amal? Just why?!

Sunday puts a hand on my shoulder and squeezes gently. "We'll be okay, Zayd."

For all our sakes, especially Amal's, I hope so. When they leave, I make a few phone calls, telling our parents what happened. Baba tells me to let him know how it goes and whether or not he and Mama should get involved. My father-in-law promises to make some phone calls and I'm once again reminded of how connected he is too. My mother-in-law worries about Amal and I promise to call back once Amal wakes up.

Amal doesn't wake up until past 11 and the fearful disorientation she momentarily experiences slices my heart in two. She slowly relaxes when she sights me and then she starts to cry. It takes a lot of strength to not call Catherine to ask for Emeka's home address so I can go over and kill him. He really deserves to die. I won't mind going to jail for it.

When she's calm, she prays Maghrib and Isha while I run a bath for her. She doesn't want to eat dinner and when I ask if she wants to be alone in the bathroom, she shakes her head. "Stay with me, Sa'ed. Please?"

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