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[Instagram (amal_m): aliyah.dantata sent you a message]

That one notification distracts me from my thesis which I should have finished editing by now. I push my laptop away and grab my phone.

Aliyah Dantata and I have commented on each other's posts and it never went beyond that even though there were times I wanted to reach out. Half of those times, I didn't know what I going to say. I was of the belief that she would be as nice as Zayd or even nicer and the conversation will flow naturally.

I never imagined she would text first. I click on the notification and it takes a moment for the chat window to open on the app.

aliyah.dantata: Assalam Alaykum, Amal. I hope this finds you well. Ya Zayd said you'll be busy today and I don't know what time it is over there because I was too lazy to check my clock and do the maths, so I hope this message comes at a good time.

I've wanted to text for a while, just to say hi. You and my brother are getting along fine after all. Also, you're the only woman who my family and I really like for ya Zayd. I know this is me being extremely forward but it's the truth. I was hoping we could be friends. Ya Zayd is very protective of you so I'm doing this without him knowing much. If he hears that I texted you, he'll be breathing down my neck each time he's there and I get a notification. So let's keep it from him for a little bit, okay?

Also, I was hoping you'd be able to attend my wedding but that wouldn't work out. It's alright though. And just so you know, there's an anko set for you. Take it as a gift from me. I like you that much. It's nice to have someone who's close to me in age. Don't tell Zafeenah I said that though. I'll never hear the end of it.

This message is getting too long and I have to go back to my wedding preparations so, I'll await a reply from you. I hope we can exchange contacts too. Bye!

Those worries I had before when I thought of texting her? They're gone! Poof! Gone! She may not know it yet but she's my new best person. All it took was one message. What's with the Dantatas and being so impressive with one meeting or message? All it took was one meeting to fall for Zayd back in February and now there's Aliyah who has charmed me with one message.

And the things she said! Their family likes me for Zayd. God, that's a lot to take in and I'd be lying if I said it doesn't mean a lot to me. The fact that they like me for Zayd without even meeting me is a lot. Then there's the fact that she said Zayd is protective of me. If I needed yet another thing to fall for this man, here it is. She delivered it on a golden platter.

I tell myself I can always work on my thesis later even though the deadline is fast approaching. I focus on typing out a reply to Aliyah. My smile has refused to shrink or leave my face and I don't think I want it to do so.

Me: Waalaykum Salam, Aliyah. I hope this reply of mine finds you well too! I was busy and I'm still going to be busy but I don't mind taking breaks for conversations like this. All work and no play does make Jack a dull boy after all. It's early afternoon over here and I'm in a café trying to finish up some work so this isn't a bad time, trust me.

I'm so glad you texted, Aliyah! To be quite honest, I've thought about reaching out to you on a number of occasions. I didn't know what I was going to say but I was holding onto the hope that you'll be as nice as Zayd and that the conversations will flow easily on their own. Before you ask, yes, you are as nice as Zayd and I can't wait for us to get to know each other better! I have a feeling we'll get along really well and since you're a year older, I'll take this as me having an older sister. That's exciting to even think about!

I'm flattered that your family likes me for Zayd. It really means a lot to me and I hope that when we meet in person, I'll still be liked. The last thing I want is ruining whatever good image you all have of me. That'll be really painful.

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