2. Savitar Wins - Godspeed and Zoom defeated

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The chases begin.....

Khione chases godspeed into a mall and Godspeed creates his duplicates/Speedmirages that they used their speed and create a lightning bolt and they aimed at Khione. But she uses her mysterious powers to absorb the lightning and she aimed back at them at double power knocking every speedmirage and Godspeed himself.
Then she absorbs all the remaining energy off Godspeed making him faint.
But mysteriously Godspeed vanishes after his lightning was released to the sky.

Nora was running behind Savitar trying to catch him but he proved to be very fast for Nora. Then Savitar stopped and turned and he catches Nora by her throat squeezing it. Nora grunts in pain.
Savitar then stabs her and she tried to phase through it but couldn't because Savitar's suit had some type of chemical that makes impossible for the speedsters to escape. She tried so hard but lastly was stabbed to death by Savitar.

Savitar: No one can defeat the god of speed. (Savitar says by screaming out loud)

Jay was chasing Zoom as they enter the tunnel which was blocked by the CCPD.

Captain Singh: Put your hands in the air zoom !

Zoom: You can't lock up the darkness captain.

Then Jay arrives

Jay: We have a deal to settle Hunter !

Zoom: of course Mr. Garrick.

Then both of them started speed punching each other dealing with heavy blows. But zoom had an upperhand because he was way more faster than Jay. Jay was very tired and he had already lost way more blood. Then zoom picks him up and starts vibrating his hands. As his hands approached his chest, he was blasted of by Khione who had just arrived in time. Then zoom's eyes were filled with anger which made his eyes turn black. He started run so fast in the tunnel that he created a lightning bolt that shot towards Khione and Jay. Khione tried to absorb the lightning bolt like she absorbed Godspeed's but zoom was much more powerful than him. She was running out of energy, she started struggling and was almost going to faint, but then Jay gets up and starts absorbing the lightning bolt and made zoom fell to the ground groaning in paim because of all the power he used.

Jay: One of a trick that I learnt from my Earth 98 doppelganger. (He says smirking at zoom)

Then zoom started shining brighter red and his lightning went straight up to the sky same as Godspeed's. Then zoom vanishes.

To be continued.......🤗

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