5. I am always one step ahead !

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Meanwhile Barry was tearing up on seeing Nora's lifeless body.
But suddenly Nora's body faded.
Barry thought what was happening then suddenly Joe spoke up on comms.

Joe: Barry! Thawne has Iris .

Barry: What? How....
(Then Thawne interrupts)

Thawne: Told you before I am always one step ahead of you Flash.
(He corrects Joe) And Thawne HAD Iris.
That's why your Nora doesn't exist. The future is changing Barry. Your destiny has been changed.
(Thawne says through the comms he picked up from starlabs)

After hearing this Barry's eyes were filled with anger and he was broken.

Barry: Where the hell are you Thawne?

Thawne: Aww. Barry I like to your Anger. (Thawn smirks)

Barry: Where are you !! (Barry yells)

Thawne: I am at the place where we met for the first time. Where I killed your Mother and your Wife.

Then Barry runs through his childhood house then saw Iris's dead body. Barry leans and checks her vitals she was dead
And was stabbed twice one through her stomach and one through her chest. Then Barry speds Thawne to the stadium when they first fought when he woke up from coma.

Thawne: Well. It's a nostalgia. This the place where I beat you up for the first time after you woke up from the coma.

Then Barry was furious,  he ran towards Thawne knocking him out. But he was faster to get up and started speed punching Barry so hard, but Barry replied by blowing speed punches and finally throwing lightning at thawne. But, he was able to dodge it.

Thawne: You are fast , but I am faster.

And he blows a punch on Barry's face.
Making him groan in pain.

Then Khione arrives and helped Barry stand up but he was still in pain.

Thawne: Dr.Snow. O sorry you are Khione. Don't think I will go lightly on you.

Then Thawne uses lightning and aims it to Khione. But Khione starts absorbing it.

Thawne: You can absorb it for some time. But you cannot absorb for a long  time. Because I am the creator of the negative speedforce.

Thawne was right she was loosing her balance then she shoots back the lightning at Thawne creating a blast, sending both Thawne and Khione flying back. But Barry's speed healing kicked in he sped towards Khione helping her to sit down and checked if she was injured or not. She was just exhausted after absorbing so much energy.

Then Thawne slowly starts to get up.
Thawne's most of the energy were absorbed by Khione. He was exhausted but he still wanted to kill them. Then he gets the sight of Barry and Khione. Seeing this gave him a clear shot,  so he ran towards them he was going to Vibrate his hand through Barry's chest but he was blasted back.

A familiar voice was heard...

???: Miss me. I bet you did.

Barry: Cisco !!!
(He then goes and hugs him tightly, Cisco hugged back)

(Note: Cisco never gave up his powers.)

Cisco then goes to Khione.

Cisco: I heard about you. You are Khione. You look like Caitlin.

Khione: Hi Cisco.
(They hug each other)

Then Reverse flash stands up.

Thawne: Well, well. What do we have here. The Original Team Flash back at it again.

Cisco: Surrender yourself Thawne. You can't escape from us now.

Thawne: Hello Cisco!! I missed you too.
(He then started vibrating his hand to tease Cisco. Because of lack of energy Thawne fell to the ground again)

Cisco: I am not scared of that now.

Then Cisco hands him a syringe to Barry.
Barry thought about the syringe, it was similar then he realized what was it.

Barry: No. Cisco we can't.

Cisco interrupts

Cisco: We have to do it Barry.

Barry: But we promised Cait.

Cisco: It's the only way Barry. We have to end this forever. If you don't he will keep coming back and will keep hurting our friends.

Barry sighs and agrees. He knew there was no other way to stop thawne. Then he sped to Thawne. Who was still struggling to get up on his feets. Then he notices Barry , he tries to punch him without using his speed. Barry dodges that easily and uses the syringe on him. Making  Thawne fall again.

Barry(Whispers in his head): Sorry Cait.

Thawne realizes he was not able to use his speed.

Thawne: What did you do to me ?
(Now, Thawne was angry. He could not use his speed. He was feeling the negative speedforce vanishing from his body)

Barry: I injected the MetaHuman cure to your body.

Then Thawne charges to Barry without his speed but Barry dodges it easily and knocks out Thawne. Thawne fell and was unconscious. Then Barry speds Thawne to ARGUS who will keep Thawne in a special prison.

Then Barry speds to starlabs. While Cisco and Khione arrive through a breach.

Joe was still in shock when he heard that his daughter was dead and slowly started tearing up after seeing Barry. He then runs to Barry and hugs him. Barry starting crying while his head was on Joe's chest.

While Cisco and Khione were confronting Allegra over Chester's death.

Then all of them head home after the worst day of their lives. No one did not what the future was holding for them.
Will Barry be happy again. Will Team flash continue saving Central city.
To find out you guys have to wait..

To be continued.......😊🤗

(Author: Sorry Iris fans I have already said that this fight will end up bad. And I loved the idea RF killing Iris in Barry's childhood house making Barry sad and broken. And this is a snowbarry story so I had to get rid of Iris. It didn't feel right to write about Iris cheating on Barry to make snowbarry happen.)

(This was the longest chapter I have written till now. 1000 words.)

Enjoy ❤️❤️❤️❄️❄️❄️

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