The Two-Faced Bitch

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Rex shouted, "Jenna! What are you doing?!" His eyes grew heavy, and his face turned stormy.


The man spoke in a chilly tone.


'He arrived in a hurry. Was he perturbed that I would harm Alice?' Jenna pondered.


Alice pouted and appeared anxious. She covered her cheek and looked behind Jenna as her eyes filled with tears at the crack of dawn. "I didn't do anything, Jenna. You misunderstood me." she protested loudly.


'Is Jenna insane? How could she strike me in Rex's presence?'


Jenna grinned. Stop acting; I know it was you.


Jenna approached Alice with a piercing, hard stare as she pulled a printed image of Rex from her bag and threw it in their direction.


Rex was startled and perplexed as he stared at the picture. Alice's face similarly darkened and became paler at once.


He had a long day yesterday and fell asleep briefly when visiting Alice in the hospital. It was evident that this photo was taken in secret at that time.


Alice Florence was the only other person in the room.


Rex was aware of who took the photo. Alice intended to use this image to enrage Jenna, but she had no idea she would end up shooting herself.


How did Alice continue to project the picture of a pathetic, weak woman?


There used to be a time when Jenna would still support Rex and put up with Alice, but that is no longer necessary.


Jenna's voice was startlingly icy, yet she grinned indifferently. "I told you that I'm here to settle debts. This is what you owe me. Alice Florence, you're the one who's a home wrecker in this case. Are you satisfied now? I wish you the best of luck in taking my place as Mrs. Hidalgo."


Rex guessed how Jenna obtained this photo without having to think too hard. Suddenly, he experienced some suffocation. His face had a complicated, chilly expression.


Rex glanced at Alice's pale, sickly face with a countenance that was still as chilly as ever.


Alice's heart began to race. She stepped in to defend herself. I didn't do anything or take this image, Rex, so Jenna must have misinterpreted something. She probably hired someone to take it so she could frame me.


As Alice yanked on his sleeve and wailed pitifully, Rex scowled briefly. Rex, I can make amends to Jenna, and if her giving me blood damages your relationship, I won't ask Jenna for blood again. I vow by Jake's name that I do not know about the picture.


Rex's eyes flittered when he heard the word "Jake," remembering his closest friend's last wish. Rex's grim expression began to lighten a little. Do you need a doctor to check it out? Jenna shouldn't have slapped you earlier because she was furious.


Alice shook her head while covering the side of her cheek that felt numb from Jenna's slap. "It's alright."


As Rex nodded and turned to face her, Jenna was standing to the side. Her lips were mockingly curved up, and she had a stern expression. Rex had an odd feeling when he saw her that way.


"You wanted a divorce because of this? Never mind, get your blood drawn first." Rex wanted to clear up the misunderstanding, but there needed to be a better setting.


In comparison to Alice's health, a trivial photo had no significance. Given that there were still outsiders in the ward, Rex intended to explain the picture to Jenna after that.

As she realized she had gotten away with it, Alice felt relieved. 'Rex still chooses me. Jenna failed once more.'


Jenna had long anticipated this result. Jenna was unconcerned about exposing Alice because she was adept at acting. She had lost interest in being associated with them. "Are you certain that she needs a blood transfusion?" Jenna calmly questioned the physician as she turned to face him from the side.


The doctor briefly went into shock. Under Rex's watchful eye, he nodded in panic when he felt Alice's glare. "Yes, Ms. Florence experienced a major blood loss in her legs just now, necessitating a blood transfusion."


Rex asked sternly, "So what are you waiting for?"


The doctor swiftly made preparations after responding, "yes, sir."


Alice smiled smugly at Jenna from a side that no one else could see.




Jenna did not follow the doctor out of obedience. Instead, she moved quickly and domineeringly forward, lifting Alice's quilt.

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