Jealous with Gino

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After hanging up the phone, Rex Hidalgo massaged his temples. He had a dejected expression and was incredibly agitated.

Jenna did not answer the phone when he called her, as was to be anticipated, and she even blocked him.

Rex slammed his phone down on the desk violently that it rattled loudly. He gave Mike a chilly look.

"Find out where Jenna is by going. I need a response within fifteen minutes."

Mike hung his head even lower because he thought he might lose his job.

"Mr. Hidalgo, I sent someone to find out where Ms. Jenna was. It appears that she is away from New York. No one has seen her anywhere."

Rex's face darkened as his delicate lips were pursed.

A half-hour later, the Hidalgo Corporation apologized for the mistake and deleted the Jenna-related comment. However, they made no mention of the marriage between Rex and Jenna.

The impact of this action was still minimal, though. Rex checked Jenna's social media accounts and discovered her posts regarding their relationship. It was so close by but also so strange to him.

[Hubby returned earlier today! [Smiling face]

[I wonder if Hubby has an umbrella because it's raining.]

[Hubby drove me home from work]

[Breakfast prepared particularly for my husband!]

Unconsciously moving to the bottom, Rex realized that this woman had partially filled their two years of marriage.

He realized he had never truly understood or shared in her joy.

Every single one of her posts was about him, and unlike her earlier posts, the most recent comment she made this morning at 8:00 am was emotionless.

It appeared as though their marriage had come to an end.

He instantly experienced a loss of heart sensation. His heart felt hollow.

When he reloaded the page, all the posts she had just read vanished. Rex wanted to keep scrolling, but the page abruptly stopped moving. All of them were erased, leaving only this morning's chilly statement.

Likes, remarks, and retweets were all on the rise.

This was her position. Did she remove everything in that manner? She wants to act as if these past three years never occurred.'

Rex's heart dropped, and he had a sad expression. His heart felt as though it were being pressed.

'Even if I turn the entire nation upside down, I will locate her!'

After one month

The dignitaries and social elites of New York attended the business banquet. Almost the entire upper class was in attendance.

The meal was exclusive to guests. A few blocks away from the site, bodyguards were also posted to deter paparazzi from sneakily taking images.

At the front of The Mansion, a high-end Mercedes Benz sports car stopped slowly. When Rex Hidalgo and Alice Florence made their big entry, he appeared incomparably regal and was unquestionably the center of attention.

Alice was thrilled and aware that her chance had arrived when she learned of Rex's divorce.

Even though she was extremely ill, Rex did not see her once this entire time.

Only because her uncle had issued her an invitation was Alice permitted to attend this feast as Rex's female companion.

Any man would be moved by her pitiful face and pricey custom-made outfit.

The host extended a hand to Rex and said, "Welcome, Mr. Hidalgo," but then she heard a noise at the door.

Someone announced, "Gino Anderson from West City is here..."

Gino Anderson deserved to be a renowned huge name on Wall Street, and his aura was magnificent and natural, and a luxury custom Rolls-Royce pulled up to the entryway.

Rex Hidalgo and Gino Anderson were both legends with strengths comparable to one other.

When Gino showed up, everyone around him was waiting to greet him and shake his hand.

Gino got out of the car but didn't depart immediately. Instead, he moved to the opposite side of the vehicle, assumed the role of the porter, and unlocked the door. He then humbly held out his hand, drawing the crowd's attention.

Who came with Gino Anderson tonight even though he had never been close to a woman?

"Jenna!" Her name was yelled out.

A custom-made gown from a European royal family that sparkled with grandeur was adorned with jewels and expertly framed the woman's delicate form.

Her flawless makeup highlighted her beauty with fantastic care. She looked even more stunning as a result.

Rex narrowed his dark eyes as he observed the woman take Gino Anderson's arm and enter the hotel while grinning.

Each stride Jenna took brought her closer to him.

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