I've Always Treated You Like a Brother

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Jenna sneered and did not look at Rex again. She took her phone and purse, then stomped away in her high heels. Her back was slim and valiant.

Chris raised his eyebrows and immediately followed after Jenna.

Rex stood frozen in place. His gaze was as cold as frost. Jenna's words felt like a thorn in his heart that made him uncomfortable.

'Being a lowly servant to my family? When did the titular Mrs. Hidalgo become a servant?'

It seemed that there were too many things that Rex was not aware of.

As soon as Jenna walked out, she saw a red-faced Emely tugging on Mr. Rodriguez at the entrance.

'So, she already knew and was prepared for it... Then was my move earlier superfluous? Tsk, tsk...' Jenna thought.

Jenna got into the car and left. When she heard about Rex's misunderstanding earlier, she felt hurt because he did not know what kind of person she was after two years of marriage.

After a moment, Jenna regained composure and did not show any mood fluctuations. She promised not to look back and repeat the same mistakes twice. Rex had nothing to do with her.

Chris hummed a tune and glanced at Jenna. "I saved you today, so how would you like to thank me?"

"What kind of gift do you want? Or do you just want me to transfer money into your account?"

Chris looked at her with a smile. "This is the first time a woman tries to slap me with money, but I'd prefer if you pledge yourself to me!"

Jenna gave him a sidelong glance. "Dream on!"

"Why? You should give me a chance! " Chris grunted.

Jenna gave him a faint glance. "I"ve always treated you like a brother." Chris's lips twitched.

"Anyway, I'll prove that I'm the most suitable person for you."

Not knowing where his confidence came from, Jenna could not help but laugh. "Suit yourself."

After all, Second Young Master Avila's enthusiasm usually would not last a month.

Chris looked at her smile and felt a pain in his chest. He would not give up this opportunity to anyone else again.

After Jenna got back home, Stella excitedly called her to ask about the progress. Jenna told her what happened. She paused slightly when she mentioned Rex and lightly brushed over it.

"This Emely is like a pimp at those nightclubs. I think her talent's wasted in the company. She should just be a pimp instead."

Jenna lowered her head and laughed. "I can't just close this case sloppily. Now isn't the time to fire her yet. Emely is capable, she just doesn't have the right mindset. She's just a clown anyway. It won't do me any harm to keep her around as long as she doesn't make trouble."

The next day

Early in the morning, Jenna went to the office and found that her chair was replaced with a new one. She was satisfied with Luke's efficiency and brewed herself a cup of coffee when her door was slammed open.

"Jenna, are you deliberately trying to mess things up? I asked you to accompany Mr. Rodriguez to dinner, but you left me behind?"

Emely barged in furiously. She still had some ambiguous marks on her neck that she could not hide. Mr. Rodriguez's eccentricity was indeed horrifying.

Afterward, Emely thought about it and knew that Jenna must have backed out. Otherwise, why would Mr. Rodriguez not take a bite of the cake that was in his mouth?

Jenna waved her hand, signaling for Luke to leave, then hooked her lips into a seeming smile as she looked at Emely.

Emely suddenly felt guilty and no longer looked so fierce.

"Forget it. This will all be over once you sign the contract." Emely brought the contract over and threw it in front of Jenna.

Jenna did not even raise her head, took out her phone, and tapped on it a few times to play a recording of yesterday's dinner conversation.

"Jenna, what's the point of you only relying on Gino Anderson? You'd be better off getting a few more backers. Think about it, Gino wants to do you harm because he just left you in this position without even guiding you. He probably won't marry you either... Look at the clothes you're wearing. They don't even have a brand. Did you buy them from those online catalogs? How do you get to and from work? A taxi? To be honest, I've been in your shoes. You won't lose out if you follow Mr. Rodriguez. He prepared a secondhand Audi for you. With Mr. Rodriguez's help on the project, you'll be able to sit firmly in your position.."

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