: 2 : His second chance

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A/n pov:

Hoseok might showed his strong side to Mark that he's totally fine. But his heart wasn't. He was never been this heart broken before.

The person who likes to spread love to everyone, is heart broken and can't do anything in that. He couldn't stop his tears once when he reached his dorm room.

He didn't slept the whole night. He cried the whole night. Don't know what to do, Hoseok called his mom to help him.

His mom: Hi baby! How are you?

Hoseok: (crying) Mom! I want to come back! I can't live here anymore.

His mom: ( worried) Are you crying? What happened?

Hoseok: (tells her everything) Please mom take me there! I won't be able to live here, please! (sobbing harder)

His mom: Don't you worry son! I will arrenge our personal plane to take you here. Don't cry and pack your things son!

Hoseok: Ok! Please hurry!

His mother hangs up, and he tried his best and stopped crying. Hoseok was packing his things while thinking about what was his mistake that namjoon broke up with him.

At home:

As he entered in his house or more like mension, his sister hugged him so tightly. Usually when his sister hugs him, he hugs her more tightly.

But now he didn't reacted to anyone. He quitly went upstairs to his room. He filled the bathtub with cold water and sit in it for more like 2 hours.

When he came out his mother was waiting for him while sitting on his bed. He went and sit beside her.

His mom: (holds his hand) You must have hard time handling those things for three years.

Hoseok: It's ok, I'm here now. It don't bother me much.

His mom: As you say but please let me know if you need something.

Hoseok nodded. His mom kissed his forehead and leaves the room. He sat down on his chair beside the big window.

After some days, Hoseok continued his studies while living in Korea. He didn't smiled and made friends there. He was afraid that someone will again broke his broken heart.

He never said any word unless it's really necessary. It felt like he lost his interest in talking.

His family members started worrying about him. He also don't talk with them. Everyone individually tries to talks with him. But he always gines the shortest answer as possible.

After graduating from the college, he decided to get himself a job. He talked about it to his mom.

Hoseok: Mom i want to do a job.

His mom: But son there's already a big company waiting for you! What will happen to that?

Hoseok: Mom, I've been living on my father's money and name. But i want to try something different, something new in my life. I want to earn my own money.

His mom: Honey, look! I respect your decisions, but you have to talk about this with your father too. I can't do this decision alone.

Hoseok: I understand, I'll talk to him. Where's he now?

His mom: He's in his room.

Hoseok nodded and started walking towards his room. He took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

"Come in!" He heard a voice from inside and went in. His dad was reading a file maybe related to their business. But immediately put it aside when he saw him.

His dad: Hobi my son! Come, come, sit here. (said while pointing at the couch in the middle of the room)

Hoseok: (while sitting ) I have to ask something dad.

His dad: Anything for you son! Just say.

Hoseok: I want to do a job and earn my own money. If you agree.

His dad: This must a proud moment for me son. What can be more satisfying to see your son doing something for his life.

Hoseok: So, is it a yes?

His dad: Will this job make you happy? (he questioned back)

Hoseok: Maybe yes!

His dad: Do whatever you are happy with. If this job will make you happy, i won't stop you.

Hoseok: Thank you dad. (hugs him with a slight smile)

His dad: But which company you'll be working in?

Hoseok: (pulls out) I already applied for a job in Kim industries.

His dad: You're really fast forward.

Hoseok: Nah! I'm your son. That's it.

His dad hugged him for the last time. And hoseok went out to tell this news to his mom and to prepare for it.

-: To be continued :-

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