: 6 : You don't invited me

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Hoseok pov:

I woke up early before my usual time, as I slept early yesterday. But a day with Yoongi felt so good...... I can't wait to share all the things with Jin hyung.

I read a book, as I have time before i go to office. I got myself ready on time and went downstairs to have breakfast. I didn't even had my dinner yesterday, so I'm pretty hungry......

"Good morning mom! Good morning dad! Good morning sis!" I said while sitting down on the chair, in the dinning room.

"Good morning honey!" Mom smiled. "Morning son!" Dad gave a proud smile, and sister just hummed.

"I talked with Mr. Min, Yoongi's father yesterday. He said that the upcoming Sunday will be good for wedding!" He said while munching on his sandwich.

"But, isn't it too early? Like i just agreed to this marriage yesterday. And next Sunday is my wedding.?" I didn't belived this.

"Well Mr and Mrs Min has to leave this country next week for some business trip and won't be back for almost 6-7 months. That's why they took this decision." He explained.

" Fine! But can i invite my friend in my wedding too? Please don't deny!" I requested.

"Ofc sweety! It's your wedding, you can invite anyone you want!" Mom smiled while answering. "Thank you mom!" I smiled back.

In office:

"Next Sunday!!!!!!" Jin shouted gaining everyone's attention. I put my hand on his mouth and said sorry to everyone.

"Why don't you just go to announcement room and announce this. So that everyone will know I'm gay!" I whisper shouted.

"Sorry! But don't you think it's too early for marriage? What I'm trying to say is you just got ready yesterday!" Jin Hyung said being a bit sad.

"Hyung i know, but Yoongi's parents have to leave this country next week. And they want to see this wedding before they leave." I was also not so happy.

"Leave that. Tell me what did he said yesterday when you went to meet him!" His eyes shine while asking.

*Tells him everything* "So, this all happened." His mouth  was hunged low like he saw a ghost or something.

"Why are you looking at me like this?"
I asked cause his gaze was piecing through my soul.

" Man! You've got yourself the most understanding husband and you're saying why I'm looking at you that way? Like what you can expect more from your husband?!" He whined.

"Uhh- I actually don't know! But I'm saying I'm actually so happy that my parents got me this kind of husband!" I smiled.

"Yeah, yeah! But whatever you're forgetting the most important thing." He crossed his arms around his chest.

"What?" I asked knowing what I did wrong. " You're getting married and you didn't invited me!"

'Oh shit!' I mentally slapped myself. I told him every useless things as possible and didn't told the main thing, what kind of useless friend I am.

"You're the only person who's coming from my side. I mean i invited. Please come to my wedding!" I asked him with my puppy eyes.

"Na na! This time it won't work for me. You forget to invite your only friend who works with you." He did aegyo.

I don't know why he did aegyo, but he always looks so cute doing it. I shrugged my thoughts of him being cute and focused on, how to make it up with him.

"Hyung please forgive your stupid brother!" I hugged him. " I can't believe you forget about it." He made a about to cry face.

"But i forget it because of you!" He pulled out and looked at me in disbelief. "Me!? How?"

"You shouted that I'm getting married and i forget about inviting you. So, if you see clearly it was your fault not mine." I explained and his ears turned red.

"Ok ,ok! Enough! You're forgiven." He said cleaning his throat. And i secretly chuckled at his cuteness. Who would say this man right in front of me is 25 years old. (in this ff hoseok is 23 and Jin is 25)

"So, are you coming?" I excitedly asked. "Ofc! It's my brother's wedding. I have to be there." He smiled. "Thanks hyung!"

I always wonder what kind of power his smile holds, cause they never fails to make me smile.

He checked his wrist watch and said, "Lunch time is over let's go back to work or else boss will eat us up alive in dinner."

I laughed and we both headed towards our work area. I don't know how he make these dad jokes out of nowhere.

But they're funny, maybe not for the world. But for me it means a lot. I hope he always keep making other people happy and be happy too.

-: To be continued :-

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