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The thunderous rapping of fist against wood shook the frame of our small home in the dead of night. My tired eyes flew open and focused through the darkness, settling on my younger brother and sister who were wide eyed and pale, huddled in a pile of blankets in our bed.

Putting my finger against my lips, I silently shushed them as the loud banging continued, motioning for them to hide behind a small basket of linens. Being only eleven at the time, I knew there was very little I could do if the visitor at our door was a threat, but I readied my small body regardless, grabbing a heavy candlestick from my bedside.

The sound of my fathers heavy footsteps was comforting and my body relaxed slightly at the noise, hearing my mothers delicate steps behind him.

Controlling every muscle in my body, I gently pushed the door open, leaving just enough space to give me a clear vantage point of the front door.

"Daphne!" A woman's voice wailed through the tense silence, calling out for my mother. It was an anguished sound, dripping with desperation and fear.

My mother must have registered the voice as someone she knew and quickly side stepped my father, lifting the heavy wooden latch that secured the door.

Cold air whipped through the house and snow dusted over the threshold as two figures exploded into the room. They were cloaked in winter furs and clumsily carried an unconscious man between them.

The blood was the first thing I noticed, thick and dripping onto the dusty wood floor, creating dark pools as the visitors moved further into the house. So much blood.

"On the table." My mother instructed with a calmness in her voice that could ease even the most tortured soul.

"What happened?" My father asked, unable to hide the fury and panic in his voice as my mother stripped the young man of his cloak.

Blood pooled and puddled, reflecting light from the fire that danced in the hearth on the far side of the room.

So much blood. Too much blood.

"He was stationed at the Northern Border all day but didn't return home. We sought him out and found him half buried in the snow, bleeding to death." The man's voice was laced with pain and undiluted rage as he clutched the unconscious man's hand.

"Oh my boy. Daphne please! Please help him."

Those must be his parents. I know that type of cry. The most painful kind.

I watched from the door, creating more space as I witnessed my mother prepare herself for the task at hand. It wasn't the first time I'd watched my mother heal someone, far from it. War was a constant in our lives and my mothers gifts were a priceless asset to our village, as well as our most precious secret.

Trying to get a better view, I raised onto my toes wincing as I heard the wooden door creak and groan against my weight.

All heads whipped in my direction and my mother gave me a sweet smile, settling my nerves through the chaos in the room.

"Everly, I need you." My mothers words were always the perfect mixture of love and calm, a firmness that was to be obeyed but not feared.

Rushing to her side, I raised my open palms, ready to hold whatever she needed me to in order to give her enough room to work on the injured boy.

"No, dear Everly . I need you to help me heal him."

My eyes grew wide and I shook my head, backing away at her words, fully intimidated by the gravity of what she'd just asked me to do.

Veiled Light: Book 1 of Wicked Virtues SeriesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ