Chapter 40

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Sweat peppered my brow and back as I jolted awake. My breaths were shaky as I surveyed my surroundings, confirming several times that I was indeed in Ronans bed.

As I calmed my racing heart, I sat up in bed, trying to make sense of the dream.

Three possibilities fought for dominance within my mind, each one more concerning than the last.

It is possible that I had witnessed Kaes' dream as an outsider. He had frequented my thoughts plenty of times, even planted images there for me to see before. It was not outside the realm of possibility, but it was an unsettling thought. Kaes secretly seeking to rule over those wicked creatures with me by his side was terrifying and turned my stomach into knots.

Shaking my head, I refused to believe that Kaes had ulterior motives. He would never betray Ronan. I was sure of it...wasn't I?

The second possibility was nearly as unsettling as the first. Had I dreamt of Kaes as my lover? Had my own mind and heart produced those images?

Shaking my head yet again, I physically rid myself of the notion.

Ronan is my mate. I do not want or lust for others. Ruling any kingdom is a revolting idea much less ruling over those monsters with Kaes.

Huffing out an irritated breath, I considered a third possibility, sitting up a little straighter at its severity.

Did someone project those images into my mind in hopes that I would share them with Ronan? What if my mind has been violated? What if this dream serves as a divide between two strong allies? Ronan would be weaker if he was at odds with Kaes.

Feeling more confused and torn by the second, I decided the best course of action was to keep the details of the dream to myself.

I placed my feet on the floor and rose, going down the dark hall and down the stairs. The light from the study flickered behind the cracked door as I passed by on my way to the kitchen for a drink.

Ronan's deep voice became silent as I walked by and the door creaked open, letting the light spill out toward me.

"Your sleep wasn't restful. I could feel it."

I searched his face as he wrapped his arms around me, but I found no anger. There was only concern.

"Nightmare." I said softly, letting my head rest against his chest.

Taking me by the hand, Ronan led me into the study. He reclaimed a seat and patted his leg as a nonverbal invitation to crawl into his lap.

With a smile on my face I did as he asked, letting my eyes wander around the room at the books and maps that had been laid out on display.

Ronan rested his chin on the top of my head with one hand on my thigh.

"Continue." Ronan said firmly to Talon.

"This is the most direct route and we would be undetected." Talon stated, pointing to a large map.

"But getting there isn't the problem. We have no guarantee that she will even see us."

"Who?" I asked.

"Kaes found a necromancer who might be able to help me with this." Ronan tapped the branded skin on his chest.

"A witch named Lavinia." Talon added.

My brow furrowed at the thought of Ronan visiting a witch. My mother had warned me as a child to never lend my ears to a witches deceitful words. A witch's heart is black and rotten. They are not to be trusted.

"She will demand payment." I said from Ronans lap.

"We have plenty." Ronan answered.

"And she will most likely require you to maim or disarm yourself." I sat up and looked at Ronan, trying to make him understand that it was risky.

"All worthwhile if she can be of assistance."

He tightened his hold on me as he spoke the words.

"When do you leave?"


Ronan's response caused my head to lift off of his chest, but he was prepared for my reaction.

"The sooner I rid myself of this vow, the sooner I can rid us of our other...problems." His voice was deep and his expression stern.

My eyes drifted to the map as I surveyed the long distance that Ronan would have to cover, by atarax no doubt.

"Will you be traveling alone?"

"Talon will accompany me."

The thought of being away from Ronan made me uneasy and I changed my position in his lap.

"I could help." I offered as casually as possible.

Giving me a small grin and a kiss on the head, Ronan took in a deep breath before rejecting the idea.

"The objective is to remain inconspicuous. And your gifts tend to...draw attention."

I am to remain here by myself?

Kaes will stay with you.

I swallowed hard, my dream still simmering in the locked corners of my mind.

"Why can't Kaes take you? He brought me to an entirely different kingdom in a matter of seconds."

Talon and Ronan exchanged grins at my question.

"I know this may come as a shock to you, but there are several kingdoms in which Kaes has been banned."

Talon's sarcasm was not lost on me and led me to an important follow up question.

"Do you trust Kaes?"

Ronan's tone and expression changed along with mine.

"With my life. Why do you ask?"

I searched for the right words to say.

"I just don't quite understand him."

Talon chuckled at my statement in agreement.

"Very few do." Talon chuckled, but Ronan wasn't smiling.

"I am your mate. Your motives are clear. I saved Talon's life and he serves as an officer beneath you in the Thoracian army. His motives are clear...but Kaes. What does he have to gain from helping me, or you for that matter?"

"Kaes has been my friend for years. We have exchanged many favors, but I understand your hesitation. He protects you partially out of loyalty to me, and partially out of curiosity. He is attracted to power and tends to surround himself with powerful friends. That, and he despises Ragnar."

Sending my concern despite his explanation, Ronan cupped the sides of my face and spoke to me directly.

"Everly, I trust Kaes with my life and yours."

His steadfast confidence was slightly comforting and I gave him a smile and a nod in response.


"Not to mention, he's much too tired to bring you any harm this evening." Kaes sneered from the doorway, his voice silky and cruel.

Rolling my eyes, I turned over my shoulder to find Kaes leaning against the door frame of the study.

"Off to bed garden nymph. Your mate has much to do."


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Veiled Light: Book 1 of Wicked Virtues SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now