Chapter 30

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Everly ~

I followed Ronan away from the fire, away from his home and away from Talon, which was probably for the best.

He led me into the darkness through the thick of the forest with just enough moon and star light to make himself visible.

Left with nothing except my own thoughts and the quiet chirping of crickets, I found myself becoming more and more calm with every step. During my quiet reflection I realized that while my confusion and frustration was warranted, I had yet to thank Ronan.

His large body stopped in a small clearing, but he had yet to speak.

Ronan turned to face me, his usual angry expression still firmly in place.

"Before you say anything. Will you let me apologize?" I asked quietly.

There was no verbal permission given, but Ronan remained stoic and silent without objection.

"I'm sorry. I'm homesick and confused and...I don't understand any of this.  But I haven't thanked you for helping me. You could have turned me over to the king for execution. You could have left me in that arena for your men to torture and punish...I don't even think I would have stopped if you hadn't screamed my name..."

Taking a step forward, Ronan stopped me.

"Everly...I didn't scream your name in the arena."

Narrowing my eyes at him, I tilted my head in confusion.

"Yes you did. I heard it clear as day. Your voice was so much louder than the others."

Swallowing hard, Ronan gently corrected me, taking another step closer.

"Think about it, Everly. Why would you be able to hear my voice when I didn't speak?"

My head recoiled, still deeply confused.

"You're not a necromancer," I muttered quietly.

"No. I'm not."

"Which means you'd have to be my m..."

The word refused to leave my lips as I swiftly lifted my eyes to meet Ronan's. He towered over me only a few inches away, giving me a subtle nod of his head as confirmation.

My mate.

"I wasn't sure at first. You shut me out and stifled the bond. I couldn't see or hear you, but I could feel you. It was torture, knowing that you were so close."

My eyes searched his, desperate for any signs of deceit.

Could this be true? Is it a ploy to take down the barriers that I've worked so hard to reinforce?

"Let me prove it to you. Trust me just this once and it'll all make sense."

Ronan closed the space between us as he gently cupped the sides of my face, tilting my head up toward his.

"Please let me in, Everly. Please." His words were desperate and I closed my eyes, retreated inwardly to find the truth.

I did as Gwendolyn had suggested, visualizing physical gated pathways within my mind. I felt a tug in one direction and followed it, feeling more and more of an emotional pull the closer I became.

Imagining my hands on the lock, I braced myself for whatever was to come next. It was frightening, but I had to know. I dropped my guards and left myself vulnerable, letting the bond between us click fully into place.

The deepest love and devotion I'd ever felt slammed into me, causing my entire body to tense and respond.

My mate.

It was a sensation so strong that it stole my breath and I felt Ronan tighten his grip on me in return. He pressed his forehead against mine and shuddered as our two souls became one in an instant. Flashes of images and deep emotions flowed freely between us that were so strong it brought tears to my eyes. I was overwhelmed and breathless with Ronan taking my weight, clinging to me as if I were his only reason for living.

"You're mine, Everly. It's my only motive...the only thing I stand to gain is you."

I could feel his devotion. It pressed against me and flowed through me as if it were a living, breathing thing.  His thoughts became loud and wondered if he was experiencing the same.

You don't have to love me, but please don't close the bond. I can't live that way any longer.

The message was loud as if he had spoken the words into my ear, but I was staring directly at his handsome face and his lips hadn't moved.

Reaching up, I palmed the side of his face, watching his eyes flutter as if my touch had sent a shockwave through his system. Brushing my thumb over his closed lips, I begged him to speak to me again.

I've searched for you for so long.

My lips tipped into a smile as soon as I heard his deep rugged voice echo clearly within my mind. A smile that he reciprocated for the first time.

It was then that I realized the expression I had mistaken for anger toward me had never truly been anger. It was the pain of feeling his mate's constant rejection.

When did you know?

The air left Ronan's lungs all at once when he internally heard my voice.

"The few times I had heard your voice it was muffled and distant like a whisper, unrecognizable. But you had unknowingly sent images through the bond, images that your eyes had witnessed. While I'd never seen your face, this image had flashed through my mind several times..."

Ronan released his hold on me and shifted his body, moving himself until he was positioned behind me. Lowering his head next to mine from behind, Ronan took hold of my hands and raised them so they were on display.

"My hands."

I felt Ronan nod his head next to mine.

"This is what I saw."

My eyes followed his gaze down toward my hands, and I recalled all the times I had caught him studying them.

"My bracelet." I announced as more realizations hit me all at once.

"I knew I'd seen it. I knew it was important." He hummed next to my ear.

Do you trust me now?

A smile spread across my face at his internal question.


What do you think my loves?

Veiled Light: Book 1 of Wicked Virtues SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now