Chapter 41

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Leaving Everly behind was difficult, but necessary. She was so loud and distinct in the forefront of my mind that I found it nearly impossible to concentrate as Talon and I arrived in Warwitt. Knowing that my divided attention could cost me my life, I quieted the bond, tranquillizing it to a dull roar in a distant corner.

Concealed by the cloak of night, Talon and I remained undetected in the neighboring kingdom.

Following Kaes' directions and instructions, we silently ventured into the canopy of trees until a distinctly shaped cavern came into view.

A single guard stood watch outside the cave, his head on a constant swivel. With hands subtly on our weapons beneath the war cloaks that concealed us, Talon and I cautiously approached the guard.

"State your business." The guard hissed, readying his weapon.

"We wish to see Lavinia." I stated, my eyes trained on his right hand that gripped a sword.

"Do you have payment?"

Slowly reaching beneath the chest piece of my battle leathers, I shook a small sack of gold as proof.

"Leave your weapons." He said harshly.

Talon and I carefully removed several blades from our leathers, holding our arms out as evidence that we were unarmed.

As if we need them.

Taking a step forward the guard eyed us carefully before motioning with a nod of his head to follow him inside.

The mouth of the cave was small with a single torch fastened to the wall.

"A blood offering is required." The guard sneered, handing me a dulled blade.

Talon and I had expected as much.

Taking the blade I quickly carved a line across the palm of my dominant hand, watching Talon do the same. Making a fist we squeezed a few drops of blood into a golden basin that nearly overflowed with dark red liquid.

The guard grinned at us, handing me the torch and motioning with one arm toward a deep black tunnel.

"Good luck." He snickered.

I snatched the torch, unaffected and unintimidated by the warning.

I do not need weapons to harm this witch if need be. A cut on my hand will do little to save her if she crosses me.

The tight walls of the cave were damp and cold leading to a door with a golden handle. Without hesitation, I twisted the knob, leading Talon into a strange room.

Lavishly woven rugs covered the cave floor and tapestries hung from the walls. Lavinia sat at a table in front of us with piles of riches behind her.

"You are a long way from home sons of Thoracia." She hissed.

Lavinia's gray hair was so long that it touched the ground and her eyes were an unnaturally bright shade of green.

"How did you find me?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.


"Demon." She scoffed with irritation in her voice.

Letting out an irritated sigh, Lavinia conjured two chairs in front of the table.


The sight of her magic had no effect on me, but Talon's breathing changed slightly.

"What do you wish to know?" Her accent was as thick as her hair.

Veiled Light: Book 1 of Wicked Virtues SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now