Chapter 8

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I lost my breath at the sudden sensation of ice on my neck and quickly realized that Aiden was trying to rouse me. He had scooped up a fist full of snow and held it at the nape of my neck as he repeated my name over and over until I regained full consciousness.

My eyelids felt heavy at first, but the more I blinked away the blur the more clear and crisp the world became.

"You scared me to death." Aiden said desperately as he held me in his arms.

"I'm fine."

I could feel my body refueling itself, mending every cell that had been utilized and depleted.

"Help me up." I insisted.

"But you..."

"I said, help me up."

Both Aiden and Liam took my hands and pulled me to a standing position. My brother's eyes searched me for any indication of pain or injury, but I gave him nothing. Aiden maintained a firm grip on my forearm until I was steady on my feet with Liam mirroring his actions on the other side of me.

"I'm fine, really."

They reluctantly released their holds on me, keeping their hands close by in case I needed their assistance.

"I asked too much of you." The guilt in Aiden's voice hung in the air.

"Don't be ridiculous. I pushed my own limits. You had little to do with it."

I brushed snow off of my arms and back as I surveyed the area around us.

"How many more?"

Aiden sighed, resisting the urge to tell me to rest, knowing I'd refuse even if he tried.

"Still looking for survivors in the snow."

I nodded and looked around, deciding on a direction to walk.

"Where are you going?" Liam asked, raising a brow at me as he blocked my path.

"To look for survivors. We'll cover more ground if we split up."

"Someone should stay with you. It's not safe and you're..." Liam's hand lingered on my arm a little too long.

I don't need a babysitter or a boyfriend Liam.

"She can handle herself." Aiden interjected, handing me a knife from the holster on his belt.

Giving him a quick smile, I happily accepted the weapon, confident with my ability to defend myself. Normally I'd have no issue wandering the wilderness with nothing except a blade to defend myself, and the new knowledge that I could give or take life at will only made my confidence grow.

My biggest fear over the past few months had been centered around accidentally hurting someone, but if hurting someone was the objective, I considered myself well equipped. As much as I hated that fact.

Liam wasn't convinced or as confident as Aiden and I were, but he also didn't know what we knew.

Apparently I can breathe life back into an injured man or take his life without touching him. I'll be fine.

Can you now?

The eerily charismatic voice echoed from the furthest corners of my mind, pressing against the connection that I was desperate to close.

I silenced my mind and focused on shutting him out, refusing to respond to his black satin voice.

Oh don't get shy now. Tell me more, Little one.

Veiled Light: Book 1 of Wicked Virtues SeriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora